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Facebook November 5th !

  LY 220 Trophy+IB PH1
I've taken off what little personal info I had on there anyway, if they do manage to get stuff off it I'd rather they not compile it with the stuff they got from my PSN account, a random could write an autobiography about me at this rate.

Of course it's still backed up by them but lets hope there storage is secure.
  Bus w**ker
Some virgin making out that they are going to hack Facebook and "destroy" it... blah blah blah. (I also can't see the video but I read about it this morning and guessed).
  Clio RS 182
Some virgin making out that they are going to hack Facebook and "destroy" it... blah blah blah. (I also can't see the video but I read about it this morning and guessed).

oh, wupdidoo, People will be so much better off without fb anyway!
  LY R26 230 F1 Team
TBH if 'hackers' want your details? They will get them.

Also anyone that puts sensitive personal information on spack book is a silly billy.
  57 Clio Campus Sport
The whole Internet was created so governments can spy on people more and know more about what people get up to. Like they say there is no way to get Facebook to delete all of your information which really should be illegal. But why would they want to close down their main source of information on people?

Anon will hack FB if they want to and will likely get everyone's details. Not much you can do about it now.


North East
ClioSport Area Rep
The whole Internet was created so governments can spy on people more and know more about what people get up to. Like they say there is no way to get Facebook to delete all of your information which really should be illegal. But why would they want to close down their main source of information on people?

Anon will hack FB if they want to and will likely get everyone's details. Not much you can do about it now.

You mention it is illegal. I cant see how it is.

Also, if you are trying to remove the information you obviously didnt think about the consiquences when you put it on there in the first place.

If it's actually anonymous behind it then they will probably succeed. Completely pointless exercise though.

Hacking the biggest network in the world. The amount of people who use it. The amount of things your FB account is sync'd with. Your mobile phones, other web access. They could gain alot of information by targeting facebook.
  Clio Mk2 Ph2
Nothing will happen.
By "hack" they mean DDoS, they are just going to use Low Orbiting Ion Canon (google it) and point it to the facebook servers. They will literally need a good thousand people for it work and probably a few bot nets.
  Bus w**ker
The whole Internet was created so governments can spy on people more and know more about what people get up to. Like they say there is no way to get Facebook to delete all of your information which really should be illegal. But why would they want to close down their main source of information on people?

Anon will hack FB if they want to and will likely get everyone's details. Not much you can do about it now.
FLOL paranoid conspiracy nut much? :p

Off the top of my head I can't think of any real hack that Anon has done. A few SQL-i exploits and some DDoS...wooo.
  Diesel Barge
Lol at the internet being created for governments to spy on people. They'll try and 'hack' fb, even with there new SQL/JS attack thing they have supposedly come up with, It only works on unpatched sites, i cant see fb going down or them getting your data, big deal if they do, its all on there publicly anyway.

and i'm sure i read that a few of the other anon twitter and other sites were saying this is fake, who knows.
  LY 220 Trophy+IB PH1
If it is actually them and they have gave the warning period they have I think they have already been in there or have an exploit ready, some say it does not follow there normal pattern so it could be a hoax. However if it is them i'm pretty sure they will break it's security.
  57 Clio Campus Sport
I think they should release everyones personal information, will make the world more aware of what they are putting on the internet and would boost what is currently poor security. When a site gets as big as Facebook is they have proper systems in place to protect this information, it's their main source of income, selling it to companies and governments, so it would take something big to break in but there is always someone who can do it.
  Renault Sport Clio 182
Was talking about this earlier after reading a short article yesterday, and somebody asked me why they were going to do it? all i could come up with was "because they have got nothing better to do" am i being naive? or do you have to watch the video to find out? because i turned it off after 41 seconds as i found the voice too annoying.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
I'm guessing this is connected to the seemingly mass hysteria about the "facebook has all your contacts and their details" No s**t!thats how it works dickheads.

I couldn't give a f**k if someone has someone else's (or my) phone number. What are they going to do? phone me for a chat?

Oh and FPMSL at low orbiting ion cannon. Janky POC software.
  2.2 bar shed.
Depends who gets involved. People with large enough botnets to do this generally aren't going to do it for free, and certainly aren't risk them unless its for a VERY good cause.
  57 Clio Campus Sport
The Russians will do it for the data. I don't think Nov 5 is the day it will go down, they want to wait until the whole world is on Facebook, it's worth the wait.


ClioSport Club Member
All they're gonna get of me is my scores on bejewled, I joined to play that game and thats it. Detest everything about facebook, bebo, twitter etc. I personally couldnt give 2 f*cks what anyone I might know is up to.
  Bus w**ker
The Russians will do it for the data. I don't think Nov 5 is the day it will go down, they want to wait until the whole world is on Facebook, it's worth the wait.

  Mk3 clio 1.5
if they really want my info, why not search for me and add me as a friend, my friedn count will go up and make me look more popular! its a win win situation
  Renault Clio 1.2 16v
The stuff on my facebook is what anybody who has a phonebook or the internet could find out anyway, same goes for every single one of my friends. I don't know anyone that puts they're pin numbers, national insurance number, credit card number and friggin blood type on there for craps sake.
