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ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
That's right, a Facebook thread. Big woop wanna fight about it?

It just baffles me that despite the popularity of this site, it continues to be buggy, laggy and rarely work properly?

Even with the new updates it still seems to display its infamous "Oops, something went wrong" error message 10+ times a day.

Twitter has a lot of traffic and yet doesn't c0ck up at every opportunity?
Why spend money you don't need to?

They make so much, that if it's a big buggy, then so what? People are still going to use it.

It's probably one of the most used websites on the planet. Getting it perfect all the time is going to difficult.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
I know Revels, the fact that everyone continues to moan about it doesn't mean they will stop using it.

And I also understand that a website with such high traffic and interactivity is going to cause issues. Just the fact it seems to be getting worse and worse? Surely they will EVENTUALLY loose out to another rival. It happened to MySpace.
MySpace's fad ended. Not because it was awful. Friends Reunited used to be top dog.

FB will go the same way. Twitter is getting more and more popular. There will be something else. It just takes a lot of money and know-how to get one of these sits big enough.
  Crappy work hire car
I get that message a lot too, and it is annoying, but it won't stop people using it mate.

I've never even been on twitter, it just sounds crap imo - constant updates about my life? F*ck off.
  172 Cup, Ibiza Cupra
I don't think it will lose out, MySpace and Bebo etc have all fallen behind becuase they let you customise the pages, add stupid songs to your page etc. Facebook is simple to use and loads nice quickly without all the stupidy sparkly text and profile skins.

Facebook is for the older user (apart from the tw*ts that play farmville etc). Twitter is totally different from Facebook and can't see it killing off facebook.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Perhaps. I just notice more and more Facebook status' complaining about the Chat fooking up or something else going wrong. I see it a lot too.

I think twitter will be the next top dog tbh. Especially considering it has a lot of celeb endorsements.
  Titanium 182
I never get that message but it will give me a new notification and I click it then there will be no new posts etc ? so I'm like why did you show me a notification. Or sometimes it just wont let me do stuff. It is pretty bad.
