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FAO Detailers

  Mercedes AMG GLE 53
I have lots of black specs on my car which i cant shift. It look like tar but im not sure. It is worse on the tailgate & rear bumper so im wondering if that is contaminants from the exhaust.
AG tar remover wont touch it, megs clay get some off, but not much. So wondering if you guys have any ideas? Or can reccomend something that will remove it.

Cheers :)


  RS2'ed 172 Cup
Try a little neat Petrol to try and dissolve it, just be sure to clean it off after.
  1.2 Dynamique billabong
could also try some strong cutting compound, something like meguiars #85 diamond cut compound or if that is too harsh try megs #83
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
I'm always trying to get these off mine, especially around the boot/ bumper area everytime I wash the car.

I found AG tar remover will get it off but it takes a far bit of work. I went into my local A1 store and got some CarPlan tar remover. It's much thicker than the AG and gets rid of the spots easily, I'd highly recommend it to another LY ;)
  PH2 172
Try a bit of WD40, then Clay again. You could always buy a more aggressive clay bar like the Megs red one I think it is.
  106 GTi
Try the Tardis first, shearing it of with harsh abrasive compounds is never the best idea - whey remove clearcoat when you only need to remove the tar.
