hi guys
just wanted to check in with u all about somthing.
my step dad is starting a new company doing saftey devices etc i cant go in to it to much but ne way, i can get hold of this OEL stuff its like a piece of tape say 1/2" side and when u run 12v through it, it glows.
now this has been around in the uk for a while and in other countries but not many things have been made with it.
ill get to the point, this tape i can get in a ne colour red,blue,green,yellow basically ne colour u can think of now i have made designes for it and i can get it put in to clear plastic tubes 1/2" wide, i can get wider tape or smaller as well as the tubes, now i can get masses of this stuff and the invertors needed to power them.
i see a company that make neon kits for under cars has started doing this in the same idea as in the new 2fast and 2furiose film all of there undercar neons are made from this stuff, the company making it wants near enuf 300 quid for the kit, now i can make these kits at a fraction of that cost with a controler so u can have the lights throbbing, flashing or what ever.
would ne 1 be interested it would be a kit of 4 lights 2 long for the sides and 2 shorter ones for the front and rear (i can make them to any size you wish) all in protective tubing and with all the connectors wires and controlers also with clear instructions, these lights will never burn out brake or ne thing the lights have a guaranteed lifetime of 800,000 hours longer than u will use em for im sure.
if you are interested please reply, oh also the new farari dash boards are made from this stuff from the same supplier that im getting it from.
also if you want custom signs i can get them made.
oh the controlers will also controll the brightness of the lights.