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FAO: Everyone who has points

Howe many people here that have poitns have declaired them to the insurence company??

I only ask becasue a mate of mine was telling me how his mums car got stolen from the local sports club and torched, the only problem was that she has 3 points for speeding on her lisence that she hadnt todl the insurence compnay about. So guess what, they refused to pay up, even though she wasnt even driving the car at the time, they woudlnt pay out.

Its only a N reg Golf, worth a few £k, but still at the end of the day she has had to find the money for a new car ouyt of her pocket.

So let this be a lesson, any points you have MUST be decalired to the insurence company, what is an extra hundred quid or so a year compared to the cost of a new car shuld hte worst happen?


  RS 182 - Black Gold



without telling them will invalidate any policy.

A lot of people forget this.

All i know is she didnt decaire them and as a result the insurence compnay is refusing to pay out....think thats pretty conclusive


  RS 182 - Black Gold

well if you read your policy it does tell you

alternativly read the literature the insurance company gives you which normally most people throw away

and it even says on the back of either the NIP or one of the accompanying letters you get when the points are given to you.
  Renault Laguna Coupe

My premium went up about 10% when I got my last 3 pointer. Not the end of the world - worth declaring for peace of mind really.

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep

What do you reccomend then cos i got my points in may and havent told them would they backdate charges or would it just look to dodgy.

Just ring them up and say ive got some points, the majority of insurence companies wont up the premium for the first lot of 3 points from speeding
  clio 172 ph2 02 reg

Is it correct that after so many years of having your points, you then have to PAY to have them REMOVED ? Thats what someone was telling me, if so does anyone know how many years they are on before you can pay to remove them ? 3 points for an SP50. I thought they would just expire and you could forget about them.
  Renault Laguna Coupe

Quote: Originally posted by donsrno1 on 13 November 2004

if you are a named driver on a policy but no the main driver do you need to declare your points to them??
yup, same rules apply

Quote: Originally posted by donsrno1 on 13 November 2004

if you are a named driver on a policy but no the main driver do you need to declare your points to them??
I would.....honestly mate EVERYTHING on my car is declaired, the b******s will do anything they can to get outa paying....dont give them the chance....ring them up and delcair them, they mgiht turn around and say its ok you dont need to, fair enough in that case
  Renault Laguna Coupe

Quote: Originally posted by dailyd on 13 November 2004

Is it correct that after so many years of having your points, you then have to PAY to have them REMOVED ? Thats what someone was telling me, if so does anyone know how many years they are on before you can pay to remove them ? 3 points for an SP50. I thought they would just expire and you could forget about them.
you can just forget about them. You only need to have them removed if you cant stand seeing the writing on your licence.

Quote: Originally posted by dailyd on 13 November 2004

Is it correct that after so many years of having your points, you then have to PAY to have them REMOVED ? Thats what someone was telling me, if so does anyone know how many years they are on before you can pay to remove them ? 3 points for an SP50. I thought they would just expire and you could forget about them.
They expire after so many years, you have to PAY to get a new ur points are written on the licence
  clio 172 ph2 02 reg

So you are just paying for a new paper counterpart of your license (I have the new photo ID card style, dont know what the old ones are like) They can write what they like on it, it only comes with me if I make a long journey (was stoped on my way on holiday and I only had my ID card opps, so he said it had to go to court because I didnt have the big bulky paper part and couldnt produce it within the allowed time :( )
  320d M Sport

its most likely a non disclosure, ie she knew she had the points when she took out the policy?

if im wrong drop me a PM, lettin me know which insurer this is.

I dont have all the facts, this is just what my mate (her son) told me, the fact that she had a speeding fine, didnt declair it, and so the policy was decalired void. Dont know when she had the points or who her insurer is/was
  320d M Sport

if shes taken the poilicy out while she ALREADY has the points, theyre kinda within their rights to do that (its harsh, but they can). If she took the policy out THEN got the points, they cant.
