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FAO Si/Jon and website designers

Hi Guys,

I am looking for a JavaScript slideshow that can ideally fade jpgs. I have used one for while but in Firefox it just changes pictures rather than fades and in Opera it doesn't work at all!

Know of any good scripts?

  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
Hmmm i've got one which works in IE but not firefox.... I guess you don't fancy doing it in flash then?
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
oi homo! lol.

Jon - help the boy wonder out here ;) I can't be arsed ;) he smells funny ;)
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
Flash would be best, as it just runs witin the flash element so no cross browser issues.

Opera is complete tosh, Firefox is great though, but any kind of fancy stuff tends to be difficult to get wokring on them all! Dont forget netscape, safari, etc, etc, etc lol!

i only test IE, firefox, opera and netscape.
  172, Tiguan
For once though, Flash is your best bet. Surely you can do an image swap in Flash Rob!
Nah, even though the company spent about a grand sending me on a 2 day course. I spent about 6 months on a illustrator/indesign course and have forgot it ALL!

I'm great.
