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FAO: Someone that works for Orange!


ClioSport Club Member
  Astra VXR
Hi my girlfriend might be over taking my contract, but mine doesn't run out until September, which means I can upgrade in June right? She doesn't want the phone I currently have, and doesn't want to wait that long.

But... can I phone Orange and say I want to start another 18 months from now, and get a new phone? On the same contract? I'm sure my mate has done this before.
  Fiat Panda 100hp
too long, can do it 4 months before iirc. I rang up and got offered the latest nokia, but it would mean a 20+ month contract - No thanks.


ClioSport Club Member
  Astra VXR
Darn... phoned them in my break. Under no circumstance will they let me upgrade before June :mad:
  Recaro Black Gold 182
Earliest they will allow an upgrade is 3months before the end of your current contract, but they tag it on to the new one!
