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Few MOT questions.....

  Audi S3 225

I’ve got my mot 2moro and I don’t want to fail, I shouldn’t do, but I just want to find out a few things.

I’ve drilled a small hole for the power leads from my amp that goes thro into the engine bay, but the hole isn’t properly sealed, its quite deep down at the back of the engine on the passengers side of the car. Will I fail for this?

Do I have to have the spare wheel in the car? As it’s out at the moment.

Should I take my viper off and put my standard air filter on?

And lastly the headlamps are changed for mk1 172 double optic ones, the wiring behind is not very good as I did it myself, looks a bit bodgejob styley, will they fail me for this?

A few things I told the garage and they are gonna look at before they do the test, I got glass in my seatbelt from when my window was smashed, now the seatbelt doesn’t click in, they are gonna try and fix that, and they are gonna try and fix my cat or exhaust manifold as its blowing real bad around that area and my car sounds like a tractor.


Not sure on alot of it, spare wheel, you can oly fial if its in crap condition on the cra, the tests specifies checking the spare (if there is one).

Air filter should be fine (i think)

I would imagine lights would be ok as long as everything works
  Mondeo STTDCI

1) Power lead probably fine to be honest, tho u should probably get a rubber washer/grommet as the metal can shear the power line. As long as there is no exposed wiring I cant see it being a problem.

2) As far as the spare is concerned if it is in the car it should be roadworthy and the right size/type whatever. If not in the car its fine AFAIK

3) Viper may affect emmissions. Might be worth whipping it off.

4) Wiring - as long as its not exposed and is safe I cant see it being a problem even if it looks a bodge. Lights have to be roadworthy of course tho.

Im not an MOT tester but...ya know!

[Edited by hip_spasm on 18 May 2004 at 9:04pm]
  Audi S3 225

thx for the quick replies guys. Gonna quickly take the viper off then, and im gonna fill the tank and put some redex in to lower emssions.

Ironically as far as I remember you need a spare/ some sort of spart ie foam etc to be road legal.

But for an MOT you dont have to have one if you have one in the car it has to be legal but if its not there then you still pass.
So you could pass you MOT without spare etc but then get pulled by the police on your way home for not having a spare etc.

Thinking about it though there a few 182 which people have which didnt have there tyre foam so they are illegal
  172 cup,s2 rs turbo

the only failure points i can see are the blowing exhaust and the seatbelt. if the headlights work and there are no bare wires etc they should pass. they may need the beam level adjusting though.
  Audi S3 225

The beam levels are wrong for sure, will they fail me on this, the exhaust and seatbelt are getting fixed by the garage before the mot so they hopefuly wont fail it.
  Audi S3 225


The car failed, mannnnnnnnnnn :(, but only on the cat, its broken or something so they have ordered a new one and will test the emissions when the new ones on.

It passed on everything else tho which i was supprised about, wheel bearings which it hought were f**ked are ok, beam levels were fine as well.

one thing that annoyed me was they changed the side indicator bulbs to orange ones, i had kept the white bulbs in them when i bought clear lenses, they cost 2 pound a bulb, grrrrr. They also changed my front wipers, the whole cost of the mot was 95 quid, is it normally this much? I could have gone to renault in southend, as i bought the car there and they do me free mots for life.

Oh well.

MOT is anything up to £40.75.. for just the test.

Thats why I take it somewhere, stay with it.. then drive it away to fix myself.. (aka, get Mat to help me.. hehe).. then you know whats going on!

95quid INCLUDING a new CAT is a good price, tho.. Id say.
  Audi S3 225

its not for the new cat m8, im a bit worried that this garage is trying to knock me, how can i tell if i need a new cat apart from the noise, they said its leaking but doesnt this mean that it just needs to be resealed? ive been looking around on andyspares and eurocarparts and all are around 170 quid for a cat!!!! decats are much cheaper but dont wanna risk failing the mot again.

Ive got 7 days to decide wot im gonna do.
