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ffs NO!


  RS 182 - Black Gold

You found my car then ;)

Easily rectified but yup still ghey !!

Just like that trophy with silver bits too
  Yamaha R6
thedoc said:
I was expecting somekind of chavtastic feature car.. its bad, but not too bad.

It is considering its a 182. Chavtastic shitter none-RS clio's are everywhere.. its not unusual.


ClioSport Club Member
  is non-existent
nothing wrong with it, never liked the 182 wheels, different from the rest of them
  Pikey Truck

The need their penises slammed in the car door to teach them a lesson!

Almost as bad as the trophy with the silver bumpstrips!
pmsl oh the horror, the shame, i'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight:cry: :quiet:
yeah looks tacky but so easily rectifide.
  FF Arctic Blue 182
I say this with caution ..... but IMO it looks on par with racing blue and those ghey looking racing stripes, if not better!
ste_brough said:
I say this with caution ..... but IMO it looks on par with racing blue and those ghey looking racing stripes, if not better!

I like your style mate lol

Clearly yours is a proper colour like mine (black/gold)...
  FF Arctic Blue 182
Only kiddin before I get flamed! IMO (Yes that's in my opinion) Racing Blue does not suit the Clio, I had a similar colour on my old Punto HGT (Sprint Blue) and I loved that. Just doesn't look right on 182 though, I don't know why.
