Anyone else ordered from Play.com? My mate did and hasn't received it today!
Yup i did and got it today =]
Anyone else ordered from Play.com? My mate did and hasn't received it today!
For those wanting to put chants in, here's your link to resources and a how to :
Can get tricky at times, but I've sorted mine last night. Well, 8 Premiership teams. Got the rest to do tonight, but being on XB360 you can only fit 99 songs/chants on an audio CD. So quite a bit of the same thing over and over. Be worth it in the end.
On that clicky (the 4shared link in the above thread), download the zip files collection. You probably won't be a member of 4shared, so you have to do them individually. I got Premiership chants, Championship, Italian, Spanish and also full time/half time chants, too.
The chants go in an individual club playlist you create on either 360 or PS3 which Fifa then looks for when you edit the relevant club. The goal/full time/other event songs can go anywhere on the hard drive, as it will be a single file and not a playlist of chants.
I ordered mine with Play.com and it still hasn't arrived, even though it got posted on Tuesday!
Do I have the right to send it back?
If so, I may go and buy a copy from Asda now, lawl.
What did you expect to be different about them?
Did the kid behind you look like he was missing a chromosome?
Who the f**k pays over double the odds for something he could just order off the net or go into a shop tomorrow and buy?
What did you expect to be different about them?
Having never owned FIFA and only played it maybe once or twice drunk is it easy to get the hang of?
On easy, it's easy. You just run by people.
If you want to play with the pros at the top of the tree, you'll get owned until you get the hang of it! Lol.
How good are Tottenham on here?
Please tell me Bale is a 100x better than he was on the last one? Last game he was shocking!
it's not cheating to pick those teams lol
How does this custom chant thing work ? (ps3)