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First experience the V6 today


ClioSport Club Member
  BG Clio 182 FF
Managed to get a drive in a V6 today and it's confirmed to me that I need that car next. Was amazing, the sound, the smell, the sense of occasion. What a motor and I take my hats off to Renault for making it happen. I'm saving for one now and keeping the 182 for the missus. Managed to have a drive of my mates Williams also - awesome is the only word.




Can't wait for the 182 to be fixed as these three are heading for a road trip.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
Was going to comment on your FB pics!

Nice Vee and Willy :)

You gonna make an appearance at the Grasshopper next weekend?


ClioSport Club Member
  BG Clio 182 FF
Fingers crossed if the 182 is fixed by then. If it is will all be down I'd imagine
  Fiesta ST200
You lucky, lucky... Thing.

Would love a vee. Any word on the handling? Or was the owner sat next to you? ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  BG Clio 182 FF
When I say drive I meant passenger ride. The car was amazing!!!

Loved giving the Willy a run ;)
  Iceberg 172
Just awesome! A beautiful car! What do Vees go for now?
I thought about one a few years back when they were £15K but went for an Elise 111 instead. Great move as I only lost £100 in depreciation on the Elise in 6 months of ownership!
I know what you mean about sense of occasion though, what a car! I can see them as a real collectors piece in years to come!


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
The smell?

Does look lovely... what seats are in it? Renault should have put better seats in as standard.


ClioSport Club Member
  BG Clio 182 FF
Smell - as in engine smell as its sitting 12 inches behind you - its my next car

was going to be a 200 but i'd rather spend my hard earned on one of these.

I am jealous of everyone who has one.
  An orange one
the smell is a highlight of every drive in the vee

its a real oily, petroly engine smell inside, smells great :D

they are so far removed from any other hot clio its really a case of you have to experience one before you believe it
  Italian 3.2 V6
V6's give me a dewy tip! Love em. So so epic, Its my dream car!

+1 on the smell etc.
  Volvo S60 T5
It's the sound I like when you open up the V6, awesome.
And that's just showing of taking the pic outside Waitrose haha
  Clio V6
Got a new Vee yesterday (Phase 2), the drive home from Kent was epic and reinforced why I'd got my 4th one :)

Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
If only I had a drive or garage! I'd have one for six months to say I'd owned one, but wouldn't like to keep one on the street outside my house :(


North West
ClioSport Area Rep
I've found that mine can get warm inside but it's more when I got out for a long long drive but that could just be my brain thinking harder lol!

+1 more on the smell


ClioSport Club Member
  Mint 1*2's for sale-
if you ring the neck of a 182 against a V6 then at best you will keep closeish- however catch the 182 in the wrong gear & the low down torque of the vee will pull it away into the distance-

Its not really about the speed though--- I never fail to enjoy driving a vee - such a cracking car



  172 track thingy
The vee is a GT car the 182 is a small hot hatch lets leave it at that before the debates on numbers come in lol

Both amazing at what they do but don't be comparing them for the wrong reasons :)


ClioSport Club Member
  BG Clio 182 FF
I am looking forward to having a drive down to Brighton with these two motors soon - will get some better pics haha

I am having one - end of


ClioSport Club Member
  BG Clio 182 FF
if you ring the neck of a 182 against a V6 then at best you will keep closeish- however catch the 182 in the wrong gear & the low down torque of the vee will pull it away into the distance-

Its not really about the speed though--- I never fail to enjoy driving a vee - such a cracking car



People stop and look in the V


ClioSport Club Member
Ye there's no rules to say where the engine has to be on a GT cruiser, unless you think it's a very slow super car?

Well there's not exactly much luggage space for a cruise down to Monte Carlo like you would in a traditional GT.

And yes, I think its a slow supercar. Or a supercar on a budget :)


  172 track thingy
Well there's not exactly much luggage space for a cruise down to Monte Carlo like you would in a traditional GT.

And yes, I think its a slow supercar. Or a supercar on a budget :)

Plenty of room for luggage, you only need a bag, it will take that.
And there's no such thing as a budget super car lol otherwise I shall quote "my around 4K priced small renault hot hatch has super car seats and steering wheel out of the factory" to the next true petrol head thats near my car so I can watch there face shrivel up like they are chewing a thousand lemons in horror of what I have said lol

Its a beast that doesn't have enough power or expensive presence (as its shares too much with a sporty 5 seater clio that the charver down the road picked up for sub 4K) to be in the super car class but isn't the right dimensions to full on GT cruiser but we know it has the ability to be a GT cruiser if you want it to, but can't be put next to a Ferrari or Aston and put in the same mind frame as them :S


ClioSport Club Member
Its obviously no Ferarri, but I bet it would still have plenty of onlookers at the likes of a PH Supercar meet.

Perhaps it would be better to say its 'Renault's Supercar'.

Because afterall, a supercar is a car with no practical purpose, its imposing, uncompromising, uneconomical, and serves no other purpose than to entertain. Clio V6.


  172 track thingy
Let's just leave it at "its a bit special, for what reason we can't exactly explain but it just is" haha


  172 track thingy
And it does have a practicle purpose because it's a lot cheaper than a super car ;) lol
