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First Timer looking for Help and Inspiration!

  Clio 1.2
Just bought a 55 plate Clio Campus 1.2. Looking to get started working on the car and was mainly thinking of going along with the looks of the Clio Sport. Just simple and understated but still eye catching.
Working on a budget so top of the range parts would prove to be a stretch on the bank but i understand as far as quality is concearned, you get what you pay for!
My first move was to track down some Clio Sport Alloys, but there proving to be impossible to get a hold of! Can anyone help here?
Any help, input or guidance would be much appreciated!
Thanks, Meghan.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep

You'll need bumpers, wings, arch liners, possibly new grill and also body panel between bumper and lights, as the campus is the fugly one, then wheels, spacers, and springs to make it look half right.

Then tell your insurance you've modified the car, and see how much they charge !

Good luck.
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