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Fitting rear bumper

Some dosy cow just reversed into me at the garage and scraped the rear bumper and smashed the rear light.

She has admitted fault (obv) and has said she'd rather pay cash than go through insurance.

Might aswell get a 172 bumper while I'm at it so how much would one be and how easy to fit to a non sport?

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WTF. 500 quid for a bumper?! I was going to sell mine for 150 at the very very most! LOL.

Very easy, back wheels off, arch liners off, undo all the bumper bolts and do the reverse for fitting.
I really want someone to do that to me, u lucky b*****d lol. Yeh 500 a bit steep but dont forget you could really get a brand new one from renault ;) (i wouldnt cos im nice) or it might have to be painted aswell.
the ones from renault need to be sprayed and my mate who works there said 170, gonna look for a second hand one as i dont wanna ask for too much incase she then wants to go through insurance
