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Flickr Profile Views?


  Focus TDCi
I've seen recently some Flickr members commenting on reaching XX-tens of thousands of views of their photostreams, which is quite astounding tbh.

I've been a basic member on Flickr since 30th September 2008 and I am approaching 500 Photostream views, so around 100 views per month, or 3 per day. My top photo has been viewed 102 times and my top 10 have all been viewed at least 25 times.

I know it's not in any way representative of how good your photos are, but recently I've been happy to see that I'm starting to get passing traffic without having to post a new photo every day, which I suppose is more of an indication. My last 5 photos have approximately 120 views between them, compared to perhaps a quarter of that a few months back.

Just wondering how it compares with other CS members on Flickr and if you've been noticing a similar progression?
  Mk2 Golf gti
i got over 100 in a month, but then all my pics got deleted for some reason :(
just uploading them all again!


  Focus TDCi
i got over 100 in a month, but then all my pics got deleted for some reason :(
just uploading them all again!

Sounds like you're really having trouble with your account, Adele! 100 views is a lot more than I got in my first month though. Having said that, your self-portraits tend to attract a lot more attention that mine. :)

Are you planning on taking up photography as anything more than a hobby?
I was talking to Greg about this yesterday. Flickr is basically one big popularity contest. If you took a pic today and it makes front page on explore. You'll get thousands of views and hundreds of comments/faves. Now tomorrow you could post the worst ever image you've ever taken but because of the day before you're infinitely more popular.

Ive been using my account since Nov-ish and only used it 2 or 3 times last year. Only with my 365 that ive used it on a regular basis..

My photostream is on 2,215.. I seem to get around 80-100 photostream hits per day and about 200 total (going by the graph at the top). Top image is my smartie pills which is on 196 views..

Im definitely getting more popular. Ive noticed the amount of faves going up. I seem to only get 1 or 2 a day but its a big change.
Yep it gradually seems to build, especially as you meet people / gain new contacts etc.

Photostream is 26,424, Sets is 10,026 (Photos is nearly 200,000), although I joined in October 2006. I think the Sets statistic is probably the most interesting (if you use sets) as I think that shows how many people are really making an effort to look at your photos.

As Revels said though, a lot of people use it as a popularity contest, it doesn't really tell you anything about the standard of your pics (you could easily get an awful shot in Explore by abusing the various Comments groups) and 90% of people delete negative comments anyway, I post on the likes of Talk Photography and other photo sharing forums to actually learn from my mistakes etc, Flickr is just a good way of getting work out there and has been pretty good to me in terms of work.
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I get an average of 200-300 views per week, and my photo stream is pretty boring lol

My most popular is a pic of a Tank with 169 views - its not even a good pic!


  Focus TDCi
I was talking to Greg about this yesterday. Flickr is basically one big popularity contest. If you took a pic today and it makes front page on explore. You'll get thousands of views and hundreds of comments/faves. Now tomorrow you could post the worst ever image you've ever taken but because of the day before you're infinitely more popular.

Ive been using my account since Nov-ish and only used it 2 or 3 times last year. Only with my 365 that ive used it on a regular basis..

My photostream is on 2,215.. I seem to get around 80-100 photostream hits per day and about 200 total (going by the graph at the top). Top image is my smartie pills which is on 196 views..

Im definitely getting more popular. Ive noticed the amount of faves going up. I seem to only get 1 or 2 a day but its a big change.

Yeah it's easy to get bitter about it, two people spring to mind that are like that, "chcharlie" and "*bradford*". There's no denying they take excellent photos, but they churn out near identical photos most days and get the same massive response. It's a little disconcerting.

I don't have the flickr stats to view, but it definitely sounds like you're on to a winner Dan. I reckon I'm probably on about 10-15 views a day and 1 or 2 favs a month at most!

Looking at it another way, although it may well be a popularity contest, if you can get yourself noticed then it will do you no end of good if you want to be successful.
Its just a hobby for me really, something to keep me occupied and out of trouble but at the same time if someone thinks they want to pay me to do something then im more than open to that idea! lol..

I think im getting better which is the only reason im doing it. I wanted to make explore and ive done that! lol.. Im definately getting a lot more critical of my own work though. I can take 50+ shots of the same thing. Check on the PC and then go back to the camera because im not happy :eek:

I hadnt found those 2 but ive been reading an interesting thread about that Rosie Hardy bird who is with Aaron. Shes getting majorly slagged off for copying peoples work and denying it without crediting. Now I dont think shes a perticulary good photographer, but shes awesome with photoshop. Some of her 'before' images are crap. But she/they have sooo many fans, she gets thousands of hits every day no matter what she does.


  Focus TDCi
Yep it gradually seems to build, especially as you meet people / gain new contacts etc.

Photostream is 26,424, Sets is 10,026 (Photos is nearly 200,000), although I joined in October 2006. I think the Sets statistic is probably the most interesting (if you use sets) as I think that shows how many people are really making an effort to look at your photos.

As Revels said though, a lot of people use it as a popularity contest, it doesn't really tell you anything about the standard of your pics (you could easily get an awful shot in Explore by abusing the various Comments groups) and 90% of people delete negative comments anyway, I post on the likes of Talk Photography and other photo sharing forums to actually learn from my mistakes etc, Flickr is just a good way of getting work out there and has been pretty good to me in terms of work.

Never thought to check my sets, looking now they're not in the slightest bit impressive.. the best being 42 for my project 52. Those figures are extremely impressive Chris, but easily valid given the standard of work.

I've joined up to, which addmittedly is a Canon forum, but useful to see what the standard should be. I've also heard Talk Photography mentioned a lot so I may see what's happening there.

I get an average of 200-300 views per week, and my photo stream is pretty boring lol

My most popular is a pic of a Tank with 169 views - its not even a good pic!

Are you fairly active on Flickr JJ? Seems like a decent tick-over level if not!


  Focus TDCi
Its just a hobby for me really, something to keep me occupied and out of trouble but at the same time if someone thinks they want to pay me to do something then im more than open to that idea! lol..

I think im getting better which is the only reason im doing it. I wanted to make explore and ive done that! lol.. Im definately getting a lot more critical of my own work though. I can take 50+ shots of the same thing. Check on the PC and then go back to the camera because im not happy :eek:

I hadnt found those 2 but ive been reading an interesting thread about that Rosie Hardy bird who is with Aaron. Shes getting majorly slagged off for copying peoples work and denying it without crediting. Now I dont think shes a perticulary good photographer, but shes awesome with photoshop. Some of her 'before' images are crap. But she/they have sooo many fans, she gets thousands of hits every day no matter what she does.

+1 to all of the above lol, it's turning into OCD with my photos now. I hate other people being around as I feel guilty for wasting time. It's only a hobby for me also, but with not enjoying my uni work it is looking increasingly appealing as an alternative source of income. Everyone's viewing figures are putting me to shame though!

I've seen Rosie's profile. Like you say good shots but it's 99% PS!
Not really, I have a holiday where I take loads then go through periods where I only upload 1 or 2 a month! Only uploaded 4 this month and 5 in Jan and 9 in December.

Most of my hits are from photos taken last May or ones of my Cat from last year, its a fairly decent tick over of hits for older pics I have to admit!
Most of mine are set up at home so time wasting isnt a problem! lol.. I just need more gear.. I have savings that I was intending to put towards a new car but I am tempted to spunk it all on shiny new things..

Are you tagging and putting them in groups?

I seem to spend more time on flickr than I do on here now. Im always looking at different groups. Ive found a good way to find different pics is to go through peoples favourites. Some of the best pics never make explore.
  Mk2 Golf gti
Sounds like you're really having trouble with your account, Adele! 100 views is a lot more than I got in my first month though. Having said that, your self-portraits tend to attract a lot more attention that mine. :)

Are you planning on taking up photography as anything more than a hobby?

im going to look into taking a course along side my degree when i start in september, but for now i just like taking pictures as a hobby :)
My most viewed pic......


Most commented Pic and pic that has the most favorites:


Hardly my best work lol
Pretty impressive figure dude, nice one! Mines on 7,350 overall.

I like the fact I have people who look/comment/fave on a daily basis. Must be doing something right! lol..
Whilst on the subject of Flickr it's also worth checking the licences etc you've granted for the use of your work as it's pretty complex and very confusing.

Frustratingly it's an all or nothing approach with being able to download full-res files, you can let people see everything including the original, or just the normal photo (which is pretty small) displayed on Flickr. Ideally I would like people to see everything up to "Large" but that's not possible.


  Focus TDCi
Most of mine are set up at home so time wasting isnt a problem! lol.. I just need more gear.. I have savings that I was intending to put towards a new car but I am tempted to spunk it all on shiny new things..

Are you tagging and putting them in groups?

I seem to spend more time on flickr than I do on here now. Im always looking at different groups. Ive found a good way to find different pics is to go through peoples favourites. Some of the best pics never make explore.

I'm the same, thinking of getting at least two top-end lenses and a tripod etc.. not cheap.

I usually add the photos to the relevant lens group, so the Canon 50mm group etc. Also put them in Young Photographers, just to get a bit of general feedback. I don't add them to the post 1 comment 14,000 groups as it doesn't feel right, but maybe that's the best way to do it.

Tags are usually what camera I used, what lens, where it was taken and what is in the photo. Around 10-15 in all.

I also spend way too much time on Flickr, it could seriously jeopardise my degree lol.

im going to look into taking a course along side my degree when i start in september, but for now i just like taking pictures as a hobby :)

Sounds like a good balance, I'm considering a course myself, trying to find one that is recognised at the moment!

My most viewed pic......

Most commented Pic and pic that has the most favorites:

Hardly my best work lol

People always like a good pic of something that can fire big things and expensive cameras!

I've gor 34,253 views, can't imagine why.

Tbh you're worthy, high standard of photos. I'll be honest and say that I didn't expect anyone to exceed Chris's views, simply because he's been published etc.. but there are number of great photographers on here, yourself included mate.
  1.8 Civic EX
pmsl...I've been on there for a few months now I most viewed pic has 12 views lol must be doing something wrong tbh...I've not actually joined any groups as a lot of them have some ghey rules like...comment on one, invite someone else etc
Im not in any of the forced comment ones. I want someone to comment on my pics because they like them or want to correct me on something! lol.. Not post because the rules say they have to!


  Focus TDCi
pmsl...I've been on there for a few months now I most viewed pic has 12 views lol must be doing something wrong tbh...I've not actually joined any groups as a lot of them have some ghey rules like...comment on one, invite someone else etc

Tbf my most viewed photo only has the number of views it has because I named it "Brothers in Arms" lol. Without groups it is extremely hard to get noticed. You would have to solely rely on tags and having loads of contacts. As mentioned above, I don't join groups like that either, however there are plenty of groups which don't require you to comment on loads of other people's photos with those annoying icon things. Most of my photos end up in the same 3 groups (Young Photographers, Canon 50mm or Canon 18-55 and Manchester or Liverpool).
  1.8 Civic EX
exactly that...

I also find that it fails to upload pics several times...tried to put a couple of my brighton ones (from my other thread on here) on to Flickr and every time it failed, whether I tried doing all in one go or one at a time...
I usually add the photos to the relevant lens group, so the Canon 50mm group etc.

That's one of the best ideas imo, as well as tagging the pics with camera/lens/location/subject.

I'm forever looking through the lens groups or searching for things like "New York Sigma 20mm" etc.


I've got almost 50k photo views.

The most being this one, with 1435: ( NWS)

It's not even a good photo!! The entire top ten most views on my account are of women at shows!!! The closest car ones are of Williams 0001 at FCS.

Amazingly, some of the ones I took at Autosport this year have already cleared 200 views and have moved into the Top 20.

Flickr is full of perverts. lol
Are we (generally, not anyone specific) confusing the different stats?

Photos & Videos (each time an actual image page is viewed)

Photostream (each time somebody visits your actual Flickr page)

So you could have thousands of individual photo views without it having any effect on your Photostream views, as somebody might only view that individual page and not look at your Photostream after (i.e. by clicking on your name), mine for example is at 189,784 for Photos, and 26,424 for Photostream, so in theory 160,000+ people have viewed one of my photos without ever actually visiting my Flickr Photostream...which isn't too surprising as I have a few motorsport shots with 10,000+ views, but 80%+ of the time they've been found via Search Engines, not directly on Flickr.

Yahoo! Image Search catalogues Flickr images, so if your tags match an image search somebody may find one of your pics via there, if all they ever do is click on it and view it, that will again add a number to Photos & Videos views, but not to your Photostream.

The graph at the top of the page shows Photo & Video views, not Photostream views.
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  Focus TDCi
As a non-pro Flickrite I only have the option of viewing the photostream views. I can see view count for individual photos, but it would take me a while to add them all up. Therefore the 500 views that I mentioned was for my photostream. Still, either way 50,000 views is a lot.

adele_90 said:
bit off subject but could people add me again please my account got deleted for some reason and now i have no contacts :(

Thanks :)

Didn't seem to need to add you again, guess it recognised it was the same account. :)


  Focus TDCi
Actually that leads me to another point. Does becoming a pro on Flickr effect people's perceptions of your work? I know it's simply a case of paying your fee, rather than a ranking or something, but it still could lend itself to making people look at your work in a different way? I guess most people have been using a pro account for a while now, but how do you view people that are non-pro and pro?
but how do you view people that are non-pro and pro?

Never even look at if a user is a pro or not to be honest, it doesn't make any difference (imo), there are some exceptional photographers who are non-pro and just constantly update their photostream with their top 200 photos. Sometimes they are more interesting to look at than people like me who dump loads on Flickr, as they are more selective.
  1.8 Civic EX
as a tag on to that...whats the advantage of being a pro other than being able to have more sets and I'm assuming more uploads a month?
From mine and Dans convo the other day, I have to agree with him, one big popularity contest.

Which is why I don't bother.

My most viewed picture is one of my car on 335 views! It's crap too.
  Megane Mk4
Flickr is full of perverts. lol
That's me, I regularly check to find updates to pit girl photos in your photostream ;)

That aside, my most popular photo is this at 1,096 views..


Wouldn't mind but it wasn't even taken on the DSLR! Was taken on my K800i mobile :S .. The secret's in the tags and getting them right, add tags to all your photo's, you get more views.


From mine and Dans convo the other day, I have to agree with him, one big popularity contest.

Which is why I don't bother.

My most viewed picture is one of my car on 335 views! It's crap too.

I use it purely because it's cheap and easy.

It's amusing to see what's popular, but I really don't care how many views my stuff gets. It's only there as it's cheaper than keeping my website going.


  Focus TDCi
Never even look at if a user is a pro or not to be honest, it doesn't make any difference (imo), there are some exceptional photographers who are non-pro and just constantly update their photostream with their top 200 photos. Sometimes they are more interesting to look at than people like me who dump loads on Flickr, as they are more selective.

I used to put up quite a few at a time, but now I choose to put one or two at the most. In a way I'm being fickle as it means I'll get more comments per photo, but the main reason I do it is so that I am forced to outperform myself with each image I take. I also tend to delete any photos that get less than 10 views in a week, as they're clearly not up to standard (assuming they get the same exposure as any others that I put up). I guess it's a means of refinement for me.

From mine and Dans convo the other day, I have to agree with him, one big popularity contest.

Which is why I don't bother.

My most viewed picture is one of my car on 335 views! It's crap too.

It is a sexy car though. :eek:

As above though, wouldn't you agree that it serves a purpose Greg? I know you're doing photography at uni, so don't you see it as means of exposure for your work, or is it not something you want to pursue? I totally agree that it's a popularity contest and I tend to ignore that side of it, but in a way it shows what the public are looking at in your photos.
  1.8 Civic EX
I'm not fussed about the whole popularity aspect, I just think it's nice to see that someone wanted to look at your work so they obviously found it of some interest. More like a nice compliment in a roundabout kinda way...
