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Forza Horizon

Deleted original post.

I'd figured it was an attempt to sew up the driving/racing game genre and appeal to gamers who find the track format a little stale. I'm just hoping that T10 are keeping a tight control over the title and the physics engine will be the same as 4 or improved. The layers of assists they've added in to the series have made it easily accessible for casual gamers so it would keep everyone happy.

Without going into any detail is E3 shaping up to be interesting on the reveal front this year from what you hear in the industry or are we looking at next year for some huge announces?
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I'd figured it was an attempt to sew up the driving/racing game genre and appeal to gamers who find the track format a little stale. I'm just hoping that T10 are keeping a tight control over the title and the physics engine will be the same as 4 or improved. The layers of assists they've added in to the series have made it easily accessible for casual gamers so it would keep everyone happy.

Without going into any detail is E3 shaping up to be interesting on the reveal front this year from what you hear in the industry or are we looking at next year for some huge announces?

Im so busy at the moment I don't even know what we're showing at E3 let alone anyone else. Lol
  Evo 5 RS
This will either be really good, or complete trash. TDU 2 was ok (obviously similar premise) but failed on the most important area which is multiplayer


If anyone (who saw them) is wondering why I deleted my comments, and edited some posts, I was just a little worried I'd said a bit too much. Hope it didn't piss anyone off. I don't want to cause myself and sh*t.

I'm sure there will be an official announcment soon....


Very clever from Microsoft.

Look forward to it. And with the announcement of Porsche coming soon to FM4, it's looking good.


What's in the link? s**tty work computers.

Microsoft France is on the roll this weekend! First we had the leaked teaser “trailer” for Forza Horizon, then this morning Microsoft confirmed that the trailer is real, and we’ll receive more information. Well, Microsoft has another Forza-related announcement for you today! Fans of Forza Motorsport will be happy to know that Forza Motorsport 5 will be coming in 2013 as stated by Sebull of Microsoft France. Sebull has also elaborated upon something that fans may have wondered. The recently unveiled Forza Horizon is and Forza Motorsport are “two different games” that are split between two development teams; Playground and Turn10 respectively. Motorsport will remain on an “every-two-years release schedule” as it has since the beginning of the franchise.
By handing the development of Horizon to Playground–a developer composed of talents from a range of studios: TOCA, GRID, Codemasters–it seems that Microsoft aims to have a new Forza title released every year, without making the sacrifices that are commonly seen in yearly franchises handled by one developer. In regards to the Horizon “trailer”, Sebull reassured fans that “this is not a game trailer” but instead a “simple video showing the FH universe and there is not much to see.”
Microsoft’s handling of the Forza franchise has been quite smart thus far. Providing fans with a game every year, while still retaining the quality that Forza is known for will prove to be great for longtime fans of the series that might have been worried about Forza’s yearly status. Horizon will be officially unveiled tomorrow during GDC 2012, until then, game one!


ClioSport Club Member
Thank you mate.

This all sounds pretty epic I cant wait for some more details on Horizon.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
I'm a bit sceptical. The concept on the surface sounds awesome, but I can certainly see the physics being softened. Should be fun, though.


ClioSport Club Member
^^ I hope they don't tone it down or change it at all but I wouldn't be surprised if they are trying to take the NFS market after the whole Porsche ordeal.

Hmm who knows I guess only time will tell.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
When you think about letting physics go to cram more on I doubt it very much.

Think how much mileage there is in tracks on Forza. Install that to the hard drive and done!

If they release it on 3 discs it can be one easily.

Also I imagine a Motorsport > Horizon import would be on the cards, or it would be cloud based?


ClioSport Club Member
There's no way they'll dumb down the handling/physics. It's a Forza characteristic.

They'll probably do what they did with 4; make all the sim there and then just add assists for more casual gamers.
  AB182, Audi A5 3.0
How wrong was I then! lol.

Should be worth a play when it comes out if, and that a big if, they do it right.


Checked my email this morning, and all the guys at Playground Games who I'm connected with via Linked in have updated what they're working on.

When I found out just over a year ago it was a guess. I asked what the project was and was told if I guessed correctly I'd get an honest answer. LOL I guessed at either PGR 5 or a Forza spin off. Back then Playground only had about 10 staff, mainly ex Codies guys. Since then they've taken on an entire team of just over 100 guys. Fair play to them. Trev, who set Playground up, and sorted the deal, was my boss at Rage, Swordfish and Codies, and I'd worked with him since I was 16! It's been common knowledge in the industry for a while, so I'm amazed it didn't get leaked.

Gav Raeburn and Ralf Fulton were resonsible for GRID and the DiRT reboot, so I'm expecting good things from the title. I'd best get my blag in for a free one, seeing as I sent them a couple of free copies of F1. :D
  TTRS & V50
It was leaked, but only by 2 - 3 days.

The announcement was set for monday but the weekend revealed some information.

I hope it's good especially for a new UK start up company !


I don't know anything more. When I found out they had only signed a few months before so other than a more casual Forza game, that's all I was told.

My job isn't as great as it sounds, well not all the time. I'm dying of man ful at the moment, and really should be at home, but I can't spare the time away from the office. :(


ClioSport Club Member
Bad times mate cheers for the info you have given us though really looking forward to this now.


ClioSport Club Member
I don't know anything more. When I found out they had only signed a few months before so other than a more casual Forza game, that's all I was told.

My job isn't as great as it sounds, well not all the time. I'm dying of man ful at the moment, and really should be at home, but I can't spare the time away from the office. :(

I forget to ask you in the other thread... does the 200 come with a spare? Or a foam canister and compressor?


I forget to ask you in the other thread... does the 200 come with a spare? Or a foam canister and compressor?

LOL, it comes with tyre foam and nothing else. No jack as per the 197 with Cup packs. Most dealers don't know that, so tell them it's missing the jack and they'll order you one.

I had a questions too, and it's an odd one. Are they shipping them with the black centre caps now? I wasn't bothered, but I've since changed my mind. They're £65 on ebay though!!!
Lol @ everyone shouting fake.

Lee, can you go and work on GTA and give us secrets about that instead? You can delete them 4 seconds later, I can still read them so it's fine. I don't really care about racing games :eek:


ClioSport Club Member
LOL, it comes with tyre foam and nothing else. No jack as per the 197 with Cup packs. Most dealers don't know that, so tell them it's missing the jack and they'll order you one.

I had a questions too, and it's an odd one. Are they shipping them with the black centre caps now? I wasn't bothered, but I've since changed my mind. They're £65 on ebay though!!!

Cheers mate. I'll play dumb on collection then. :eek:

Yeah, they're building them with black caps now that they only offer the Speedlines in matte black.

They come with RS centre caps (like the Raider) now too, rather than the Renault 'diamond'


I saw those, I think I prefer the diamond, but at least they're the right colour. I might call Customer Service and ask nicely for some RS centre caps. :eek:
