I'm struggling to give a f**k about this game at the moment, between the demo with questionable physics and the continuing profiteering around DLC for the franchise I think I'll 100% Forza 4 over the coming months and possibly pick up horizon when it's in the bargain bin in about 3 months time.
This being CS?
Also theres a site called http://www.cheapxboxlivecodes.com/ and I was researching online and everyone raves about it so it seems legit, I'm going to buy 400 from them when i get paid for £4 or whatever it is and if its legit ill buy 4200 from there it's £30 i think.
Struggling to see why some of us are having our comprehension questioned. I/We know what it is, voicing legitimate concerns/frustrations/shortcomings is perfectly understandable IMO.
Online free roam multiplayer. No traffic. Ziltch. Not even the option to include. Piss poor :dapprove:
It's ok GTA5 will be just around the corner, free roam over a huge distance, cars, bikes, pedestrians and highly amusing movie car chase physics.
Still, no traffic in Horizon?
Quid by quid I'm starting to wonder if I should have pre-ordered it.
It's ok GTA5 will be just around the corner, free roam over a huge distance, cars, bikes, pedestrians and highly amusing movie car chase physics.
FLOL, I read Si's reply as GT5...
Yep, no traffic in free roam online.
I'm actually tempted to fire up GTA IV this week. Great crash physics, lots of traffic, large free roam area with no invisible walls and the added option to bust a window and shoot people's tyres out. No DLC for Nico to have a full compliment of limbs and the ability to use them.
The longer time goes on, the more I'm feeling like this. I'm going to add a few thoughts.
We were told it was going to be Forza in an Open World.
Number 1, as much as I can kid myself, the cars have too much grip and stop too quickly. I've tried every single way to get the cars to feel better; tricked the system of getting rid of STB, adjusted the steering axis to make them more twitchy - still nowhere near FM4. I believe they have just put in a simplified physics engine, and completely ignored the tyre physics model that have made the last few Forza games feel so connected to the road.
Number 2, it's not an open world game. It's open road. No pushing AK off cliffs :dapprove:
Number 3, the car list. 137 cars on release. A fair few of those being convertable variations of cars that are included. No Renault (DLC). Now, whether or not this (and other cars) will be free DLC on launch due to lack of disk space is unconfirmed but T10 and Free DLC are two things that generally don't go together. Also, LOL at them doing a day 1 DLC pack! What the f**k! You spend £60 on LCE and, unless you've spent £40 on the season pass too, you're expected to spend more on the DAY OF RELEASE to unlock more cars that could've obviously being included at launch. T10/PGG c***s. No Porsche too, which I thought they'd sorted out licencing issues with EA? Oh wait, a DLC pack will come in 6 months time. Excellent.
Number 4, on the subject of DLC, is it only me that's sceptical of this 'rally pack'? Judging by what we've seen so far, I wouldn't be suprised if they just turn the grip slider to 0 and include a few enclosed dirt tracks. Also, announcing DLC content before the release of the game is a piss take.
Number 5, vehicle modification. NO WHITE WHEELS!! What's so f**king hard! They managed to do it on the Transit on FM4 ffs. As far as I can see, modification is one area where the devs have been particularly lazy. In fact, the only thing different to FM4 is the fact you can now do Matte paint. No tuning is w**k too. Yes, I know that 'you don't adjust your suspension settings every time you drive your car', but it's a game. I want to be able to set up my FWD cars to be as twitchy at the rear as possible and have LOOS on demand.
Number 6, crash physics. Yeah, there are none. Ped vehicles have no weight whatsoever, which is poor. I want to feel a consequence for my f**k up, not lose 3 mph.
...and it's infinitely better than the arcade handling you get on those games.
This game has gravel circuits and driving the cars it feels nearly realistic to me
Daft argument - GTA is an open world game but you can't walk into a cafe, sit down and order a cup of tea. You're driving a car and you can go everywhere you would in real life. How many people driving along suddenly decide to off-road across a field?
The cars have wayyyyy too much grip on dirt imo. This actually brings me on to another point, the controller vibration in the demo is s**t. I LOVE the fact that in FM4, the vibration genuinely helps the feel of the car. It even helps you find the redline (which, ironically would've been handy as in Horizon, some genius decided to make BOTH the needle and redline area PINK. Fucksake.). They obviously have access to it, so why include such shoddy vibration? I confidently think that having the FM4 model put it would increase the 'feel' of the cars tenfold.
Not really. The 'open world' that it was sold as should be just that, like the one on TDU. In real life I don't go out for a drive and think, 'I know, lets drive off Beachy Head, just because I can...', but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't want to in a game. Although, judging but the damage modeling that we've seen, I guess it was better left out, lol!
I genuinely don't think it's arcade enough for the NFS crowd tbh mate; they'll stick to NFS. I really f**king hope it sells by the masses though, purely to increase the budget for FM5![]()
This man knows.
I've been playing GTA4 a lot recently online, great with mates.
Hmmm, just checked my account and it's now showing as shipped on Game...
Can't wait for Friday when Luke decides he actually loves the game
It plays well, it's just nothing like they said it would be.