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Forza tonight?

I'll give the in car view a shot when Forza 3 arrives but I'm a long term bumper cam + mirror user so not sure if I'll warm to it or not.
Right guys so what times everyone going to be on?

Ill be back from the gym at 9.30/10ish and will be online for a few hours after that
  Mini Cooper
Can someone shoot me in an invite if i am on gamer tag is as26ace
I know i have some people on here on my friends list but no idea who
Hmm... it does appear that I fell asleep and have only just woken up.

Major fail on my part tbh :( was really looking forward to this as well!!!
  106 GTI
Far to many half hearters tonight so not much missed :p

Must be forza 3 approaching rather rapidly
That's because I wasn't on ;)

I'm already thinking up some ideas for races on Forza 3 for a sunday night if the content I'm expecting gets confirmed.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Anyone on tonight? I fancy a few races, not played for ages though!
Might be too but been on COD4 last couple of nights plus I need my sleep as up at 4am to head to airport in the morning.
