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front bumper help

after fitting the pipercross filter and relocation pipe on my car i have noticed that i am still not getting enough cold air to the filter so i am looking to remove the black plastic sheet behind the front grille to let more air into the engine bay

does anyone know how to do this???


  MKII Vee

What clio is it ? is it an RT if so cant you just take the bumper off and cut the plastic.

tom - theres no need to be like that, just because my car produced more power ;);););););););)

john - i have tried to prise it out, but it looks like the bumper need to be removed to do it

just want it confirmed


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

Bambam f*** off

my car had more at the wheels (hardly surprising- no gearbox oil)

and loads more torque

But now yours would whoop mine as its dead


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

Telling me if renault dont fix it im dropping a gt turbo lump in

very nice, 1st thing though is to uprate the front brakes, i declare that the standard 1.2 16v brakes are bol*x


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

Mine arent change the pads or drive sommat else and see the diffrence

well i must say they were impressive compared to the saxo, but compared to the uno turbo they are awful

may have to test drive other cars in the same class as the 1.2 then, just to see how they compare

You dont have to take the bumper off. The top part has kind of hooks on, unclip this (I used a massive screw driver to gentle un hook it) then just rag the bottom bits out!
