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front components, new tweeter or not?

  clio mk2 1.4 16v extreme
im replacing my front peakers and adding rears.

im going for kappa infinity/reference as ive heard there good & my mate has some.

can i just replace the door speakers with new mid ranges and leave the clio std tweeters in there place, or is it best to replace the tweeters too?

and in the back shall i go for 2 ways or just bass/midrange speakers?
whats best?


  Audi TT 3.2 V6
you defo want to replace the tweeter matey, your sound will be completely in balanced if you just upgrade the mid from a component set.

i personally have got any rear speakers, i dont see any need for them tbh, amp your components and it will be plently loud enuf
  clio mk2 1.4 16v extreme
if i am goin to get rears, is it best to just get 2 ways? then components up front.

I was thinking a little 10" sub in the boot too, but that can wait till xmas!!


  98 Sreg Clio RT
Yeah you def want to replace the tweets too. Dont really need speakers inthe back, but if you do just go for some standard coax not components or def not 6x9s.
  BMW M135i
Just to add, i've got components in the rear because I got bored and fancied a project one saturday afternoon. Basically don't bother, they give little to no sound improvement in the front at all, does sound better in the back though and it kept me entertained for a few hours.
