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Front speakers


  clio 1.2 grande
Hey, I've got myself a W reg Clio grande and i'm gona upgrade the speakers, 2 ways in the back and comps up front.

I kno the back speaker panels come off in about 2 seconds, but what about the front ones?

i looked in the clio manual and the diagram doesnt match wot my door looks like. ive had a look and it looks like ive gotta take the door panel off to get to the speakers :mad:.

can some1 let me know if this is wot ive gotta do or if theres an easier way to do it? the manual shows manual windows and there are electric windows in mine, dunno if that will b of ne help.


  clio 1.2 grande
fro the looks of things they wont come off that easily, as theyve got the window controls above them. i'll try and get a pic uploaded for help
