Is the update not downloading due to you having an out of date iOS installed?
I'd wipe everything and start again. Sounds like you somehow f**ked it all up.
Is the music data actually on your Mac? have yo made sure that iTunes organises everything automatically, and keeps it's own copies of all the tracks?
I've once or twice that the problem where one of my devices won't show the artwork. Restarting fixed it in my case.
Denial. First sign of full r****d
Start again.
I don't know.
It's the same issue as Will. was having, asking for purchase information for another account. I only have one account though, so I, and the apple guy I spoke to on the phone were stumped.
Google seems to have a hundred possible issues for it, most of which I don't understand, so I'm going to ignore it for the time being.
I suppose it depends to a certain extent on the integrity of the data being imported. Does everything have the correct artwork in iTunes?
Is the update you have for iPhoto? If so, with the mbp you get the free version. The latest update is only available to those that have purchased it. Which sucks because it means I always have an update.
I'm almost tempted to pay £10 for it just to make it go away.
Well if you hold shift and press space it'll do the opposite of pressing space, but I'm sure a mac expert will come along with the proper page up/down key combos![]()
CMD+ up button
Or just flick the page up and down with two fingers.
Or just flick the page up and down with two fingers.
The shift thing works on most os, windows, osx etc, generally does the opposite of something.
So like when you're using tab to move through fields if you hold shift when doing it you'll move through the fields backwards![]()
Think you can go to and sign in with your Apple ID.
I must admit I haven't taken an awful lot of notice of my apps aside from it kicking off because I'd changes the iTunes account I was using on the phone when I replaced the mac. Obviously this resulted in a conflict between what it was expecting to see on the current account vs what I had physically on the phone.
As for the HDD I've not sorted out an external back up so have no clue I'm afraid.
Open Disk Utility
Then erase (obviously if this is not a new HD or one you have stuff on, sort that first)
MS-DOT (FAT) if you want to be able to use it on a Windows & Mac
Mac OSX Extended (Journaled) if you just want to use it on a Mac.
Nope. You're doing it a weird way. Lol.
I just hit update at all before I go to sleep when there's loads to do.
Updating apps on your computer. Lol.
iPhone > App Store > Update All.