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fuse keeps blowing????

  wrx sti ppp (305bhp)
i have an a jvc head unit, amp, sub and speakers in my clio 182 and the other day went over a hole in the road and the fuse went in my car, its the one for the headunit on the passengerside near the door, where they all are. its happened twice, now ive taken the amp and sub out to test it. is the amp fucked??


no, more likely a trapped cable behind the H/U which shorts when you go over the bumps. Take H/U out, check for damaged cables, tape up to repair then gently slide everything back in taking care not to trap any cables.
  MK1 Clio 16v
Sound advice there.

Check all connections.... try with a different head unit as well, head unit might have a loose connection inside.

EDIT: Oh, and also, the amp doesn't use the same fuse as the head unit, it has (or should have) an inline fuse as close to the positive terminal on the battery as possible, and another fuse on the amp itself. If they aren't blowing then the amp is fine.
