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FYI - I have a TVR.....again


ClioSport Moderator
Light graze to rear wing on the other side. It was TT RS! I picked the fucker because I thought they'd be careful!!

I need to talk to that bodyshop of yours, see what it can be sorted for if a PC doesn't make it disappear enough.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Guy paying for it? TTRS is terrible for seeing out of and judging distances!


ClioSport Moderator
Guy drove off. Parked next to a TTRS in the services, went in, came out, TTRS gone, scratch on car.


It's only very minor, but it's on the drivers side so I see it all the time. Will be being fixed.


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
PIG DNA plate is back!



Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Is that a front splitter on the back? Jesting.

Was you parma violet TT a 3.2 Stephaaaaan?


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Oooft! That's what I want. Not interested in the Dsg.

You fancy giving me some more info on it? Mpg etc. I'll look out your thread.


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
Oooft! That's what I want. Not interested in the Dsg.

You fancy giving me some more info on it? Mpg etc. I'll look out your thread.

It averaged 29.4mpg over 21342 miles....

On a run I could get 33mpg from it.

Look for my treads or send me a pm buddy!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Cheers mate i'll have a read. Good coincidence with me wanting a manual. Not too many out there.


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
Little jobs done over the weekend, fitted new windscreen wipers (lol) and fitted new seals to the doors and the soft/targa top.

Some new front tyres just turned up, since the front camber has killed the ones which are on it. Plus a matching a set is always good!

I've gone for 225/40/18 rather than 225/35/18, so it should ride better on the front an not jink about as much.


Its going into Selby TVR on Friday to have new engine mounts and the Nitron suspension setting up how I like it. Then its pretty much done until I decide to paint it, although I may give the exhaust a coat of black paint for a bit of a different look.


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
The new Toyo T1-R (OE Fitment on TVR's along with Eagle F1's) replacement, Toyo T1 Sport Asymmetric.

Front - 225/40/18 = £98.40 each
Rear - 235/40/18 = £116.70 each


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
Well today turned into a proper TVR drama day.

The battery was flat this morning, as it has no points to jump it off, I had the remove the front wheel to get to the battery, sadly I didn't have my jack or wheel brace, so I had to go and buy new ones. Finally I got it all jump leaded up and used the Alfa to charge it for 20 mins before loading up with tyres to get the fronts changed.

This posed a little space problem....


After getting the tyres fitted in record time I shot off to Selby TVR to have a new engine mount fitted along with getting the suspension geo sorted.

TVR in its natural habitat...


They had quite a few nice toys around the place





The cost for a engine mount change and Geo set up was £168. Bargain. The car drives amazingly now. Roll on summer!
Jesus thats ugly!

Hopefully the noise makes up for it. Saw a t350 like your old one burble along past me yesterday, it sounded like satan clearing his throat ridiculously good. I want one!


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
Just a bath.

It's getting logo'd up tomorrow (don't ask)

It's getting a full correction next weekend. Dying to try Amigo.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Larvley! Send the Z2 up to me once you've used it. Kthnxbi!


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
Little update.

Stickered it up for some company work.


Removing them was a proper b**ch though!



On a random note I found out it has the factory close ratio gearbox and diff fitted, no wonder it feels a lot faster than my last one!

Going to detail it tomorrow on my day off!


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
The TVR's paint is not good at all, 10 years of being washed with a brush!

After some Menz PF2500 on a compound pad, final finish on a finishing pad and some Amigo and Z2, it now looks like this.

Pretty good really, since it didn't reflect anything when I started!





This door was scratched to hell


Viper blue is quite flaky too!

  S4, Tamora, Conti GT
Lovely looking car, i think you commented on my thread on Pistonheads about the wipers for my tamora, viper blue look awesome on these cars, can't wait to get back from uni next week and get back on with the job of restoring mine.


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
Been for a blast out with the piston heads lot, f**k me this thing is awesome/rapid/scary.

Love it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
It was bound to happen.

Tick tick tick tick tick booooom!



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