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Gearbox scuffing noise

  172 flamer
Hi all, relatively new to so I'm not sure if I'm going about this the right way, if it's wrong then help in the right direction would be appreciated.

Right I've got a PH2 172 and I've just lowered the car on AP coilovers, it sits a bit lower than it would on a set of cooksport springs.

Day 1. Fitted coilovers and went for a drive and the car felt abnormally stiff and bouncy so I thought I'll get round to winding her back up to roughly the cooksport height in the next few days. Left it at that and stayed at home didn't think much of it..

Day 2. I went out and covered a 60 mile drive and noticed that through acceleration on tight-ish left turns I get a horrible clunking/slight skipping from what feels like the front right, I'm thinking ok possibly a CV joint? (Noticed the outer boot is greasy but it looks quite old anyway) but thats not the main concern. As the day goes on I notice that under deceleration at low speeds or with the clutch quarter dipped I can hear and feel faint scuffing (1K grit sandpaper scuffing against 1K grit sandpaper) not 240 on 240 else I'd be really concerned . It doesn't do it while coasting in neutral or while stationary. Now I'm not sure if it's coming from somewhere in the gearbox or if it's down to the CV joint, or if it's because it's been lowered and I've strained the drivetrain. Also it's always crunched into 1st so I'm a bit puzzled and concerned. Apologies for the long read but detail is key.


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