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Gearknob removal


  Megane 225 Turbo
Hello guys, I have a standard Mark2 Phase2 Clio. I am looking to change the gearknob for a classy Richbrook one I have aquired. How hard is it to remove the standard knob, as preliminary attempts have been difficult.

Is there a grub screw/alan key assembly somewhere I'm missing or is it brute force? Any tips are great, cheers.

Also, if I wanted to replace the gaitor, how hard of a job is that? Many thanks.


  Megane 225 Turbo
Saw it off? Bit drastic isn't it. I take it the "..." after your post clarkiev6 suggests it's a hard job? Any one else with tips/experience.
Its glued on just saw it off and put your new one on im doing the same soon putting a knew gear knob but want a clio one know after market one a 172 or 182 knob.
sawing isnt the way to go. i got mine off with twisting if off using swan neck pliars!worked a treat, oh also a hair drier to melt the glue a bit, to loosen it up! works great!!!
  COLTCZT,Clio 440T project
had 2 cut mine 2 in ma mk1 bt it had 2 be done, the old 1 sed i had 4 gears! had 2 swap it for a willy 1 :p lol. that was ma old clio mind u, not ma valver, already had the same knob, just needed 2 change the inser thing :p lol
