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Getting scratches out

  Black Gold Trophy
Had a bloody strange time for the last couple hours trying to get some scratches out of my bonnet.
Started by using Farcela G3 cutting compound with a sonus yellow pad, which didnt really give any results, so went over it with some 3000 grade wet and dry, which still didnt get the scratches out. So I went for some 1200 grade which still didnt take them out!

Decided it was time to call it a day and put a shine back on it, went over it with some compound, then with some Megs #105 with yellow sonus pad.

Just for curiositys sake tried a orange sonus pad with sonus SFX-1 and it actually began to remove the scratch! Put some megs #105 on the same pad and it worked even better!

Anyone care to explain?? I'm baffled!
  421 Cammed 172
Im not sure on the differences between the foam applicators mate, but with the heads for the mops a white one is a very firm foam for compounding hard 2k paint. Whereas a blue is a softer foam for compounding all paints finishes.

I found that the harder white foam removed overspray alot quicker so maybe the orange ones are a harder foam thus leaving more of the abrasives on the surface of the pad to do their work to the paint.
  182/ 172 Cup
mate i wouldnt go to hard on that youl go threw the paint! iv mopped threw a few paint jobs at work!!
  Black Gold Trophy
I honestly dont get it with my paint? its really hard to get any cut on it, however it seems to scratch and swirl so easily!
  Golf GTD Mk7
I honestly dont get it with my paint? its really hard to get any cut on it, however it seems to scratch and swirl so easily!

i've found this mate. RS paint (pre-197) seems to be pretty resilient. Isn't the yellow pad the softest ie. finishing pad?
  Golf GTD Mk7
ignore that. says it's the cutting pad on ulitmate finish. The orange pad has a different design. Might be something to do with that. Also, you using da or rotary?

Suggest using menzerna polishes mate and megs pads. Works ok with mine. Saying that, i'm due a full detail with it over the next couple of weeks so will see how they fare.
  Black Gold Trophy
Yeah its supposedly a cutting pad, I had a go on my mates 2006 impreza with a green pad and sonus sfx-2 it cut the paint back really easily!
  Black Gold Trophy
The only parts of the car that have been resprayed are the front and rear bumpers which I have had done, the rest is original paint, I can tell without a paint depth gauge as I have a good eye for paintwork
