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Getting To Dash Lights!!!

hi there guys how do you get to the bulbs on the speedos etc etc i want to remove my serv light and airbag light cheers thanks a guide would be great cheers
hi there mate no its not that i have a momo steering wheel on the car which came with the resistor to turn the light off but has now started to come on cos of those crappy little resistors just wondered is it possible to remove these lights at all or would it damage the circuit and make more lights come on local garage have said because they are leds they cant be removed but i know they are not renault specialists and probably dont want to do the work to be honest!!!
  Clio 172mk2
to get to the lights and theresurface mount leds , u need to take the full top part dash out
thats great mate thank you i cant seem to find anything on search any help please? so it can be done no problem then greatnews!!!
You dont know how to search .... I posted all info litterally about a day or two ago.

Best bet to search on me or look here:-



  BMW M135i
I wouldn't go choping things out to the clocks imo, just get some more resistors of the correct value. The values are in edde's airbag faq.
thats a good poit mte how do i get to the resistor in my momo how do i remove the steering wheel is it easy cheers mate do these resistors fail very often ? what is the reason they do this thanks
  BMW M135i
No idea how you get to the one in the momo wheel, but it shouldn't be too hard to remove as they only bolt on. They shouldn't really fail but they can they just break down internally and if the resistance changes past so far it isn't the right value so the airbag computer flags an error.

Theres plenty of places on the internet where you can get them from, or a maplins if you've got one near you.
I wouldn't go choping things out to the clocks imo, just get some more resistors of the correct value. The values are in edde's airbag faq.

^^^^^ Nothing was "chopped" the recess was covered blocking the light!!!^^^

You may be a lucky one if you got all the resistors to work!

I fitted 3.3ohm resistors to all relevant pins in the the whole car [done following edde's notes] and got all of them working including the pretentioners, and seatbelt circuits, except for my drivers airbag - hence tape over the recess in the display.



Some pics:-




Here is one of the 2 x airbag connectors - they connect to a main connector which I tried the resistors in and they still didnt work!








cheers mate for that is there any chance of a detailed and i mean detailed guide so i can do it myself i have looked on your site mate and i cant find a detailed exact guide what to do and where to start cheers many thanks
how long should it take to do this mate any pitfalls to look for and how did you know your speedo was out mate cheers
It took me the first time about 1h 30mins and thats not knowing where the screws, clips, or how to do any of it!

2nd time took me about 30 mins if that.

I knew my speedo was about 5-10mph because It just seemed wrong! So I plugged in my Tomtom and snooper S4 to find out exactly how 'out' I was! I then readjusted it [by taking the dash off again! Doh] and measured it against Snooper S4.

You will be fine if you mark out where your dials point to when in standby mode [I didnt!]
cheers mate i will try and have a go myself hope i dont break anything woopps!!! anything to look for mate and be careful of and what do you mean standby mate do you mean idle?? explain?
