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Ghosting - help

  dCi 65 + C2 (<Sold)
I just cannot get this to work! I use sysprep to remove all the configuration settings and then image it using Norton Ghost.

I then load the image onto the new PC and the security is shot to pieces. I can log on locally as admin but have no rights on anything. Help!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
How many PCs are you attempting to Ghost to? Tbh, I've found it more hassle that its been worth - there always seem to be some trivial difference even between identical machines that takes hours to try and sort out.

I normally just reformat and rebuild from scratch using the latest drivers and/or BIOS.

  dCi 65 + C2 (<Sold)
4 at the moment. I just can't be arsed as getting them fully up to scratch takes about 2 1/2 hours maybe more depending on if I'm busy or not.

If I had the image it would save hours of my time in the future, though.
  dCi 65 + C2 (<Sold)
Do you add it to the domain first? We obviously have to to update it and get the software from the network.

However taking it off and renaming it should work?
  dCi 65 + C2 (<Sold)
No ideas guys? I've got to give this bloody machine back to it's user today and I really don't want to build it AGAIN. :(
i installed windows/drivers...
join the domain...
added all the software, data sources, patches, hotfixes etc..
left the domain...
then took the image.

works for me.
yeah just run sysprep. there is a cd key on the MS site that lets you activate OEM windows haha

edit: doh i see that is your problem i dont know why it doesn't work for you :rasp:
  dCi 65 + C2 (<Sold)
Aye, obviously after I remove it from the domain and place it in a workgroup I log back on as a local admin, then create the image.

Haven't had a chance to put it on another machine yet though (-_-). I'm going to use NewSID this time see if that's any better.

EDIT: Also it's Symantec Ghost not Norton. Long day, apologies.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
4 at the moment. I just can't be arsed as getting them fully up to scratch takes about 2 1/2 hours maybe more depending on if I'm busy or not.

If I had the image it would save hours of my time in the future, though.

You posted this on Tuesday. You could have had all four done well before now, starting from scratch. ;)

Aye, obviously after I remove it from the domain and place it in a workgroup I log back on as a local admin, then create the image.

Haven't had a chance to put it on another machine yet though (-_-). I'm going to use NewSID this time see if that's any better.

EDIT: Also it's Symantec Ghost not Norton. Long day, apologies.
you're starting the image creation process from windows?

i've always made boot disks
  dCi 65 + C2 (<Sold)
No, boot disk.

Darren, I didn't get a hold of the other machines (user's not finished taking their stuff off, as usual).
  dCi 65 + C2 (<Sold)
Ha, I passed it through an integrity check and that seemed to work. Put the image on to the HDD, booted up and voila! Result! Ran NewSID and after a reboot had some trouble connecting to the domain initially but that's resolved now.

I have successfully ghosted a machine! F*ck you sysprep!
never had an issue with acronis build machine install software and before i add it to domain just image it then i have a script to add it to the domain on first boot
  dCi 65 + C2 (<Sold)
I've heard good stuff about Acrnois, unfortunately in terms of the software we have it's very limited. Just got Symantec.

Can you fire me a copy of that script? Sounds very handy! If you don't mind that is.
Const WIN9X_UPGRADE = 16

Sub vbSelfDestruct()
' Function: Make a script delete itself
Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
objFSO.DeleteFile WScript.ScriptFullName
End Sub

strDomain = "**"

' get current machine name
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
strComputer = objNetwork.ComputerName

' get Dell Service Tag from machine
on error resume next
Set objWMIservice = GetObject ("winmgmts:" & "!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
set colitems = objWMIservice.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_BIOS",,48)
For each objitem in colitems
' Wscript.echo "Dell Service Tag: " & objitem.serialnumber
DellServiceTag = objitem.serialnumber

' if theres an error getting the service tag inform the user and delete the script
If DellServiceTag="" Then
MsgBox "Error Retrieving Dell Service Tag."
End If

' check if domain, username and password are already set and decide how to ask the question
If strDomain<>"" and strUser<>"" and strPassword<>"" then
MsgBoxQuestion="Do you want to add this machine as " & DellServiceTag & " to domain " & strDomain & " now?"
MsgBoxQuestion="Do you want to add this to a domain named using its Dell Service Tag - " & DellServiceTag & "?"
end if

MsgBoxQuestion=MsgBoxQuestion & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Computer account for this machine will be created under:"
MsgBoxQuestion=MsgBoxQuestion & vbCrLf & compDestOU

' ask user if they want to add the machine to a/the domain
AddToDomainQuestion=Msgbox(MsgBoxQuestion,vbYesNo, "Add Computer to Domain")

' if user selects no, delete vbscript and exit vbscript
If AddToDomainQuestion=vbNo Then
end if

' inform user that the machine name is already the service tag
If strComputer = DellServiceTag Then
MsgBox "This machines name is already renamed to the Dell Service Tag of " & DellServiceTag & "."
End If

' find if machine is already joined to a domain
Set col2Computer = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")
For Each objComputer in col2Computer

if joinedtodomain=True then
MsgBox "Machine is already joined to domain " & domainorworkgroup & "."
end if

newComputerName = DellServiceTag

' domain login credentials
if len(strUser)<1 then
strUser = InputBox("Enter Username to join domain " & strDomain,"Username for join domain " & strDomain)
if strUser="" then
end if
end if

if len(strPassword)<1 then
strPassword =InputBox("Enter Password for username " & strUser & " to join domain " & strDomain,"Password for user " & strUser & " to join domain " & strDomain)
if strPassword="" then
end if
end if

' setup objComputer variable and add to domain under OU - Workstations
Set objComputer = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2:Win32_ComputerSystem.Name='" & strComputer & "'")
ReturnValue = objComputer.JoinDomainOrWorkGroup(strDomain, strPassword, strDomain & "\" & strUser, compDestOU, JOIN_DOMAIN + ACCT_CREATE)

If ReturnValue = 0 Then
'MsgBox "Computer added to domain " & strDomain & " successfully."
MsgBox "Computer not added to domain successfully. Return value: " & ReturnValue
End If


Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set colComputers = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")

For Each objComputer in colComputers
ErrCode = objComputer.Rename(newComputerName,strPassword,strUser)
If ErrCode = 0 Then
'MsgBox "Computer renamed successfully to " & newComputerName & "."
If sysReboot = True Then
Set objOperatingSystems = GetObject("winmgmts:{(Shutdown)}//./root/cimv2").ExecQuery("select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Primary=true")
For each objOperatingSystem in objOperatingSystems
End If
If ErrCode = "2691" Then
MsgBox "Machine is already joined to domain " & strDomain & "."
ElseIf ErrCode = "2224" Then
MsgBox "The computer account already exists."
MsgBox "Error changing computer name. Error code: " & ErrCode
End if
End If
we use dell machines so its setup to get its service tag and use it for the machine name

the bits with ** in need ou's domains and username passwords in etc obviously i had to take them out :)

oh save as a vbs
