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Giving my car back to renault

How easy is it to just give the car back to renault.

I know at 3 years you have the choice to pay lump sum, or give it back.

But what about after just two years? Would they charge me for handing the car back. Im just going over my options at the moment, and am just wondering if this would affect me in any way, or could i just give the car back and never have to worry about it again?
  BMW Z4 2.5si Sport

phone em on 08456 010033 (assuming its on RFS finance) and get a settlement fig, so u should be able to compare whats owed with what its worth.

Hope this helps :)
  RS Megane DCi 175

As far as Im aware, as long as youve paid 51% of the car you can give it back and owe nothing.
Paddy is the guy to speak to.

well i called and got a settlement figure in Nov and it was just over 6k then. so should be just under that now i suppose.

But thats not what i want to do, i dont want to buy the car. Its only worth about 5k if i sell it private to some wally who doesnt know their cars. Renault will give me about 4,500 for it

I just want to give it back and not have anything else to pay, or have to worry about it again.

Cause i am going to get a loan instead and buy a second hand car. As then i wont lose shed loads of money, will be better if i just want to sell the car, as i dont have to worry about finance and interest will be cheaper.

I just have had enough of my clio now really. Even my mum says she has notcied it rattles alot. I want a well built car, and something with a bit of poke compared to my 1.2

And no i wont be buying a sport, as i want a well built car, if you didnt read it properly

pug 106 gti! thats what im gettin in a few weeks, had enough of clios aswel! lol

what happened to gettin a fiesta?

changed my mind mate. Not getting another new car, as you just lose far to much money!

I know i will get slated for it (but i dont really give a flying f**k) but i am looking at getting a BMW 318 Ti Sport

Costs exactly the same as my 1.2 clio to insure for the year! how gay is that!

get an escort! then when people ask what you do, and what you drive you can give the same answer! lol


I dont think i will be doing that, as i havent heard from the company, so maybe im too good looking for them. ;) Or they are just slack b******s!

Im applying for a new job tomorrow, working on an IT helpdesk.

Any of you day people able to give me any advise on this.

I dont need anyone telling me BMW are crap or anything like that. I just want to know about giving the car back thanks.

what u need to work on IT help desk, gd qualifications?? im always helping every1 out with there pc probs here

as for car, 106 gti , R reg for 3.5-4k then ur sorted , lots of poke and not 2 old

thats if ur insurance isnt too bad :)

that or a ahem, vts ;-)

I know you said you didnt want to know fella but seriously i would avoid. dog slow, crap handling (im assuming you are looking at an E36 model) as they have the previous shape (E30 ran from early 80s til 1990) 3 series rear axle beam and are basically a cut and shut of a "proper" E36. The engines blow headgaskets for a pasttime, balljoints wear out regularly and there are numerous other problems with them. Also due to the type of previous owners theyve had theyre normally totally f**ked and its fairly hard to find a decent one.

Ok then Loony, what would you suggest? I will have about £6k to spend on a car, i want leather, climate control or at least air con. i dont really want a hot hatch car again, would like something a bit bigger. Not bothered about how fast it is compared to a clio sport, as i drive a 1.2, so anything is going to be quicker.

I just want a car that looks nice, drives nice, and doesnt rape me on insurance. As a 318ti sport compact BMW would cost the same on insurance as my 1.2 clio does. Thats for a 1999 reg, which i believe is the E36 version.

Any other ideas? As i said, i dont want a little hot hatch car, So pugs are out, saxos are out, clios are out, etc, you get the idea.
  fat 182

alfa 146/147 ! v6 vectra

had a z3 basicly the same car as 318i looks nice well built costs you an arn and a leg if anything goes wrong

and if you get a bm everyone else on the road will hate you

and youll forget how to drive properly!


Back to the question that was origanally asked, i handed my old clio back early last year and they didnt seem to mind, i just said i wanted a faster model.

thanks Joanne, thats great.

And Daz, i dont think it would matter what car i drive, im from norwich so people assume i cant drive anyway! lol

And most of the people in Norwich dont actually know how to drive! They must just hand out driving licenses in cereal boxes here!

The alfas are nice cars (the 147) so i will certainly look at those too, i think i need to take a few cars out for a drive.
  fat 182

i know what you mean licences come in cereal boxs

my missus passed on her first go when we first moved to norwich

and she was still pissed from the night before!:confused:

306 xsi or 306 gti-6 :)

bigger car, faster, not bad looking

how much can u get an mg zr now, older 1s, in his price bracket??

fast enough for him, leather, look gd

sorry forgot about this thread
off the top of my head an audi a3 or honda prelude something along those lines, will have all the toys you want and be a far better car than the quite frankly toss e36 compact.
