Note where the protection is accumulated(not a gripe, just saying it always happens what ever you do, due to doubling up!)
Egp and 476 is my fave! Beads like combos that costs 3x as much!my effort using srp egpx2 and collinites 476
???? Me no comprende!
Egp and 476 is my fave! Beads like combos that costs 3x as much!
I <3 476
On blue's I agree, only use it on my wheels. Certain on silvers, wouldn't be that noticeable.
naaah bollox imo. The srp/epg collinites is an awesome combo. In the summer i tend to use say P21s over the epg, as it seems to add a wee more depth..... through the winter nothing touches collinites imo
naaah bollox imo. The srp/epg collinites is an awesome combo. In the summer i tend to use say P21s over the epg, as it seems to add a wee more depth..... through the winter nothing touches collinites imo
fk1000p is a detailing world fad. Wont hear of it in a years time![]()
Where can you buy fk1000p from, quite fancy trying it for wheels etc, can't find it on the usual suspects.
On blue's I agree, only use it on my wheels. Certain on silvers, wouldn't be that noticeable.
Beats far more because it's s**te and saps the colour. Winter yes. For summer that should stay in the cupboard.