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Graphics Card Problem

Went out and got a GeForce FX 5500 card today. Opened my comp up and saw the 4 slots (3 white and 1 black) Black slot was the only one it could fit in so put it in. Turned my comp on and the screen isn't getting a signal?
So i remove the card, start comp again and its fine. Slot the new card in and its not detecting it even if i uninstall my old VGA.
Any ideas??
  Not a Clio
have you been into the bios and selected AGP for your graphics? (AGP is usually a brown colour though - not sure what black is?)
  ex Clio 172 owner :(
From what I've read (about you removing the card and it was fine) I kind of assume you didn't have a gfx card before hand and were using your motherboard's onboard graphics.

You need to make sure the new gfx card is in the correct slot. It'll be the top most slot, and brown with a clip at the end. Make sure it's seated correctly.

Make sure the onboard gfx is disabled in the bios.

Also last but not least, make sure the monitor lead is actually plugged into the gfx card rather than where I suspect you've been putting it in the old socket for the onboard gfx.
  Monaro VXR
If i remember correctly black slots are usually ISA slots. talking ancient there. and it would be the bottom most slot.
Yeah was using the motherboards onboard graphics. Made some progress, got the card in and its wired up to the screen so now the comp starts up and it detects theres a new hardware but before i can install the drivers it resets itself!
So again the comp starts up and detects it and before i get a chance it resets itelf again!!!
Just make sure its properly put into the slot, and that the fan (if there is one) is working.

AGP slots arent always brown, mine is green :D
