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GT86 or Cayman 987.2 2.9 or other RWD coupe <20k

  Clio RS
Title says it all really! Considering a 2009-12 Cayman or a newer GT86/BRZ of similar value or something else?
I’ve driven the Boxster version and liked it but not driven the Toyota.
Any opinions out there?


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
The Porsche will feel more ‘special’, be quicker in a straight line, sound better, and is a Porsche. It’s older, and bills/servicing will be higher.

The GT86 will give you RWD fun, is newer, and be cheaper to run/less bork potential.

Drive them both, weigh up the risk/reward factor, and then buy an M3.

(I thought I’d name what car I own early on, as these threads always go that way)


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS


ClioSport Club Member
I thought only the 3.4 on the 987.2 was DFI...on the base 2.9 it's traditional inlet injection I believe. Right about the IMS/RMS blah blah blah, although an earlier .1 2.7 never suffered either, it was only the S 3.4 that did.


ClioSport Club Member
  997.1, Caddy, e208
They’re both 9A1 engines, no?
2.7’s definitely had IMS/RMS issues!


ClioSport Club Member
  997.1, Caddy, e208
Ah, mark is correct it’s non-dfi (but still 9A1)
IMS/RMS are an issue on the 987.1, not 987.2

the 2.9 being one of the more reliable water cooled Porsche engines still, turbos and gt’s aside.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
Or buy an Elise. Unless it’s for daily use, then don’t buy an Elise. 👍


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I’ve only driven one standard GT86 and it was average at best. I’m sure it’s a fun lightweight car on track, but for driving on the road you might as well buy a £2000 Hyundai Coupe and bank the rest of the money.


ClioSport Club Member
  997.1, Caddy, e208
Find one?!

Every Porsche specialist I've spoken to has said they've never seen an IMS failed 2.7. RMS, maybe, possibly, but the IMS is the biggy and on the 2.7, failure really is not a thing at all.
I owned one!
Caught when it had play, got lucky.
Ceramic IMS bearing, clutch & RMS (to replace the leaking one) £1395 at cavendish


ClioSport Club Member
  Too many
Curve ball - save a shed load of cash and get 80-90% of the fun with a MK3 MR2.

(Yes, suggesting my own car in typical CS fashion)
