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Guide - wiring in amp

  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
Ive been asked to do this for someone, sorry but im going to have to use existing photos as im at work

Right ok so its a bit of an effort to get the power from the battry through the bulk head to inside the car.
There is a grommet on the passenger side up behind the glove box. You going to have to get your head down there to see it,


its on the far left hand side quite high up
you can see it in this photo, Get a screw driver and poke it through the rubber as far as you can, this will give to something to look for on the other side.


then on the engine side is where it gets interesting. 1.2s etc are pretty easy but 2.0 isnt so as there isnt alot of space going spare, it is here that i suggest turning into stretch armstrong.


at the far right back of the bay you can see 2 bottles, power steering and coolant iirc, these need to be removed, the bigger of the 2 you will need a 13mm socket and it has a fixing to the bulk head on either side, then it just pulls forward, push it to the left out of the way.the other bottle is held in with clips ( these will be very still though) inclup them and pull and push till the bugger moves, once this is done it will give you enough room to pull the sound deadening forward to get your arm down the back,
there are a fair few wires down the back to dont pull anything too hard its a renault after all,

I suggest getting a second person to wiggle the screw driver that you put through the bung before, this is where the previously aquired rubber arms you grew come in handy. Basicly stick your arm dowm as far in and as right as you can untill you feel the screw driver.

Now you know where it is take the screwdriver out and use a bit of tape to hold the wire to the blade of the screwdriver then stick it back through, from the other side locate the screw driver again now with the wire attached, pull the wire off the screw driver and get the other person to remove it while your still holding the wire.. then feed the wire trough while genrally pulling it up.
taaaa daaaaa, once you have enough, attach it to the positive terminal on the battry ( remember to remove the fuse)

then just carry on running it to the boot inder the carpet.

Hope this helps
