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Gutted!!!! :-(

I was reversing my car off the drive last night, and turned to go up the road which I dont normally do, and didnt see a skip behind me (for what reason I dont know!!) and managed to put the edge of it through my back window, put a big crease in the boot, and scratch the bumper!! Im going to find out today how much it all is. Its the first thing Ive ever had done to me while driving :(

thats sh!tty mate, but on the bright side, atleast there was no other cars involved and i doubt the company who own the skip will be making a claim

Gutted for you m8, might be worth checking that the skip was parked correctly - if in a dangerous or obstuctive position you could have grounds for a claim! - take a photo of it if it is

It was at about 19:30, so still fairly light. No lights on the skip, plus its a neighbour. Oh mate, im so pi**ed off!!!

Quote: Originally posted by matt the cat on 21 April 2004

Gutted for you m8, might be worth checking that the skip was parked correctly - if in a dangerous or obstuctive position you could have grounds for a claim! - take a photo of it if it is
i was about to say the same , the skip must be marked with luminous red/yellow stripes just like on the back of a lorry if it is on a public road . i would try everything to make the skip people pay !

Quote: Originally posted by cupking on 21 April 2004

It was at about 19:30, so still fairly light. No lights on the skip, plus its a neighbour. Oh mate, im so pi**ed off!!!
it would not be the neighbours fault where it was , it would have been dropped by the skip wagon, so its down to them the position of it.
  Clio 197

Just get the damage fixed and put it behind you. Count yourself lucky it was a skip and not a child on a bicycle or a baby in a pram.

Accept the blame, count it as a lesson learned, and move on.

Too many people these days try to shift the blame and get compensated for their own mistakes. Then we all have to pay.

I remember when the neighbours had a skip, legially it has to have lights on it, so they strung xmas lights on it, so if its unlit then you may be able to claim.

Cus surley if it had had lights on it it would have drawn it to your attention, and you would have seen it

Quote: Originally posted by Eddd on 21 April 2004

Just get the damage fixed and put it behind you. Count yourself lucky it was a skip and not a child on a bicycle or a baby in a pram.

Accept the blame, count it as a lesson learned, and move on.

Too many people these days try to shift the blame and get compensated for their own mistakes. Then we all have to pay.
Although this is very true, if you claim more than likley you will fall out wiht your neighbours, friends are worth more than any amount of money.

Accept the blame, count it as a lesson learned, and move on.

Too many people these days try to shift the blame and get compensated for their own mistakes. Then we all have to pay.

Yeah true, but if there is a genuine case then why should he just fix it and shut up. Sure if it was you and the situation was unfair, you would feel the same.

I agree with you on the bogus front, however if its dangerous or obstructive....;)

I love the car to bits and thats the major problem. But now its happened it puts everything in to perspective. My insurance is £1250 fully comp with 3 years no claims, so if its stupid money outside the insurance then ill have to put in through, meaning Id have to sell it as the insurance would be sky high!! But thats worse case senario :(

you could buy a taigate from a scrapyard - glass and all then have it painted along with bumper - the early tailgate (mk1) should be the same. Cant see it costing more than 400 all in!

Nice one mate lets hope so!! Cheers for everybodys advise. as you can imagine im not in the best of moods at the moment :mad:

Mk 1 tailgates have a different boot handle/button, plus they might have a different curvature to acomodate for the slightly diifferent tail lights.

I reckon about £750 if its fixed by a dealer, £400 if you get it done at an independant garage. Tell them you are not going through insurance as there can sometimes be a significant difference in price. Chin up, weve all made silly mistakes.

Just got a quote for my boot and bumper! Weve put a lots of business the companies way and theyve always done a fantastic job. Couldnt believe my ears when they said £200 all in for cash!!! What a result! and £50 excess through my insurance for my window. All booked in for the 10th May :)

Bloody skips, i know how you feel pall i hit one on the main road worte my car off. Check they had a permit to park it on the road there should be a 35deg, taper of cones and a flashing light on each corner if not you can prosicute take photos quickly!

Quote: Originally posted by cupking on 21 April 2004

Just got a quote for my boot and bumper! Weve put a lots of business the companies way ... <- Read "everyone in my family hits at least one skip a week"
Only jokin dude, Im glad youve got a decent quote for the work mate, I take it you aint takin it to renault then - cos normally renault wouldve asked you to drop your trousers and grease up before giving you the quote lol

lol!!! They havent hit skips, but theyve done stupid things too. Got the glass done last night, so im driving round with a big crease down the back today
