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Had a play with the new Nokia N97


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
Symbian is crap, infact it's beyond crap (architectually and with dev tools) - it's a relic from psion, Nokia really should have had the sense to bin it many years ago. The best thing Nokia have done in the recent past is buying trolltech and LGPLing Qt, however, they still seem to be pumping large amounts of resources into Qt for S60, at what point do you realise that the donkey you're flogging is well and truly dead?

The problem that other platforms have now is that the iPhones development tools are just light years ahead of anything else, they leveraged everything they'd invested in the OS X toolset and API's and bought it to a mobile platform, not sure what we're going to see from Palm with the pre, but at a guess it'll be some half assed Eclipse based system. The iPhones development tools give it a massive advantage over any competitor on the market.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
You would have thought the Maemo platform would be a better route.

S60 still isnt as bad as WM.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
You would have thought the Maemo platform would be a better route.

S60 still isnt as bad as WM.

Beg to differ - at least WM is optimised for touchscreen now. S60 goes back to my old Nokia 3230. That's a bad thing.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
S60 in 1.x 2.x and 3.x forms were never optimised for touch screens. 5.x is specifically written for touch.

WM is the worst mobile OS ever made.



ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
S60 in 1.x 2.x and 3.x forms were never optimised for touch screens. 5.x is specifically written for touch.

WM is the worst mobile OS ever made.


Making .NET the framework for development and deprecating the native tools wasn't the brightest move either. Can you say slow?
  Better than yours. C*nt.
Written or bodged?

WM isn't the worst Mobile OS ever, not by a long way. On the right device, I still stand by the fact it only lacks the toys/gimmicks/bling of the iPhone.

I still <3 my iPhone, but it was a close call between that and the Touch Diamond 2.
  Golf GTI 1.8T
Bluetooth..had iPhone got blueteeth yet? And doe's it support wifi? - Actual questions cos I'm not up Apples arse on the 3GS or the others that much either..

The only real fault I can see with the N97 is the touchscreen, sure it's gonna be fine for me to use and I won't have any complaints about it but it is old touch technology now.
Ok it doesn't have loads of pointless poncey apps to load onto it (yet) but it is a proper phone with everything a phone should have. Fcuk knows why both have a compass now, I've never ever going to need that, and who is..

Oh and can iPhone multi task yet? I have always found that really handy for doing texts and internet at the same time.
  Better than yours. C*nt.
Bluetooth..had iPhone got blueteeth yet? And doe's it support wifi? - Actual questions cos I'm not up Apples arse on the 3GS or the others that much either..

The only real fault I can see with the N97 is the touchscreen, sure it's gonna be fine for me to use and I won't have any complaints about it but it is old touch technology now.
Ok it doesn't have loads of pointless poncey apps to load onto it (yet) but it is a proper phone with everything a phone should have. Fcuk knows why both have a compass now, I've never ever going to need that, and who is..

Oh and can iPhone multi task yet? I have always found that really handy for doing texts and internet at the same time.

Bluetooth on all iPhones, A2DP on 3G and 3GS. WiFi on all of them. I'm on my iPhone, on my Wireless now...

Compass is ace, much. Google maps works with it and it makes wandering around strange cities a cinch, because there's no guesswork as to which way you're looking. It seems so trivial but it's so useful you suddenly realise just how silly it is to have GPS without it.

Multitasking - well your browser session never closes, so I guess so. Just can't have two foreground apps.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
but you can send or receive mp3 over bluetooth from an iphone to oter phones

a little annoying but nothing major
  Better than yours. C*nt.
I think you'll find that's called piracy. If it's for ringtones, didn't people grow out of that with changing covers on their 3310/8210/8310 etc.? Obviously excluding Market stall phone shops who always seem to have something utterly bizarre.

You could call it an oversight to exclude it, but a not insignificant amount of music piracy is mates sending each other music through bluetooth. Whilst it's not Apple's job to police it, firstly it's in their interests as they have an online music store, and secondly I honestly don't see it being long before the phone providers get attention from piracy laws as Torrents did, because ultimately it's a technology based on good intentions that has been open to a significant amount of misuse.

I don't see it being long before all phones prevent you from being able to Bluetooth music...
  Golf GTI 1.8T
I think you'll find that's called piracy. If it's for ringtones, didn't people grow out of that with changing covers on their 3310/8210/8310 etc.? Obviously excluding Market stall phone shops who always seem to have something utterly bizarre.

You could call it an oversight to exclude it, but a not insignificant amount of music piracy is mates sending each other music through bluetooth. Whilst it's not Apple's job to police it, firstly it's in their interests as they have an online music store, and secondly I honestly don't see it being long before the phone providers get attention from piracy laws as Torrents did, because ultimately it's a technology based on good intentions that has been open to a significant amount of misuse.

I don't see it being long before all phones prevent you from being able to Bluetooth music...

Exactly lol, can't remember when I last sent or received a ringtone! But it is handy for sending things to laptops etc.

And yeah course Apple don't want you sending music, although anything from itunes would be locked to that iPod anyway..

I'm not slating the iPhone, I think it's a great fashion, fun, usable item with the apps n all. But just think it's a bit w**k and could have got a much better update really considering the 3G didn't come out all that long ago they could have given it a bit more ooomph to future proof it and get up to speed with todays imaging.
It doesn't have to be a legal song thats sent via bluetooth, there are other sounds/songs around. I also send alot of pictures to laptops and other phones via bluetooth, or can the iphone do that now?
