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Had to use pikey petrol.

I had to put pikey petrol in tonight as they didn't have any super unleaded.

My car's going to seize or something now I expect.
  Saab 93 Aero Wagon
I ran mine on premium for a week up in Scotland back in January.

Didn't really hurt it but then again the weather was crap so i didn't really notice any performance loss!
  Iceberg 172
Jesus. You didn't have to put in it yourself an' all did you?

What is this country coming to. :rolleyes:
  Recaro'd 182
whats going on my petrol station hasnt had super for 2 weeks now :S anyone else experiencing this annoyance!!!!!!!!!


  LY 200
My car was struggling the last time I had to use 95 ron, didnt want to start after a 8 mile run, turned off for around half an hour, strange.
  Saab 93 Aero Wagon
Lol....think people are taking this a little too seriously.:rolleyes:

Must have offended the poor people with the thread title;)
  Recaro'd 182
Lol....think people are taking this a little too seriously.:rolleyes:

Must have offended the poor people with the thread title;)

I mean at 1.09 a Litre it should be there for gods sake i am churning enough out at the oil refinery, tut tut!!! it the lazy slack lorry drivers arent keeping up with demand!
  Black Gold Trophy
I buy my fuel at total (no particular reason other than being close to my house and cheap) and I honestly cant tell the difference between filling up with regular unleaded to super unleaded!
  Tangoed Works
mine runs fine idles sweet and has never missed a beat on normal / super unleaded. even on my mates ctr, it states super, but runs fine on normal unleaded.
I asked when they were gettin gmore super in, and the women (who I know quite well) said that they get told what they're having, and loads of people have been asking for it, and more and more people are using it even though the prices are high. Crazy.
  Saab 93 Aero Wagon
Well mines been run on Optimax/V-Power since i've had it and i can honestly say the oil barely changes colour between oil changes, so its doing some thing good.
  Mk4 .:R32
I've filled up with 98 RON since owning my car, apart from once when I went to a crap petrol station that had pikey unleaded
  Saxo VTS
Haha, you sure your butler didn't fill it with Pikey petrol for you?

If your car runs crap on 95RON I'd suggest you either take it to a garage or go see a doctor :)
  Saab 93 Aero Wagon
It seems as though there are some offended Premium Unleaded fuel lovers on tonight!

Either that or offended pikeys..;)

Oh by the way, that was a JOKE for all those who have also lost a sense of humour tonight.
Haha, you sure your butler didn't fill it with Pikey petrol for you?

If your car runs crap on 95RON I'd suggest you either take it to a garage or go see a doctor :)

Mother gave him the night off, so I had to go and get my own petrol, which I think is out of order. My car just has expensive taste lol.

It seems as though there are some offended Premium Unleaded fuel lovers on tonight!

Either that or offended pikeys..;)

Oh by the way, that was a JOKE for all those who have also lost a sense of humour tonight.

Yeah, there's some commoners on tonight!!! ;)
  Saab 93 Aero Wagon
My car usually run on caviar and dom perignon but the cellar is currently dry of 82 and those pesky Russians can't keep up with my cars appetite.

What what what.
its all rubbish anyway.

when it leaves the refinery, it maybe 98 ron, but when it hits the car its probably dropped to 95ron..

its all hype..
I hope everybody realises that this is a complete piss take thread lol and I couldn't give a toss what petrol I put in my car.
  Scirocco GT 210
I can't remember the last time I used super unleaded in mine, cheapo normal petrol from Waitrose works just fine. :cool:

Always makes me laugh when some people think their clio is going to break unless it gets a strict diet of V-power all the time. lol
I dont think it makes much difference, Ferrari's and Porches dont need super unleaded so i dont think a clio would! Maybe if it was Mapped to only take super unleaded but manufacturers have to work into the equation that the clio may have to run on petrol from all over the place, Africa, South america etc.
Although all of what i have said is pretty useless as i dont even own a Clio!
:eek: and:dapprove:

