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Halfrauds, now on my sh1t list

i bought an alpine touch bar headunit (9855r), ipod adaptor, infinity speakers all round and a sony xplod amp from halfrauds. all fitted for free (due to me bartering with them) in october 2005;

headunit has never worked (resetting, loose, etc) and has just been replaced for the 3rd time after having a non functional "temporary" sony headunit for four months (old headunit was taken out in october 06 and a series of lost receipts and no return calls on their part means i was without music for 4 months).

the amp has been replaced four times, and has just been repaced with a different model, mainly due to them fitting it so abruptly and harshly that the contacts for the wires were shoved into the amp, breaking it.

the speakers and wires constantly cut out on the drivers side, due to a constant supply of dodgey rca leads and then the amp again.

due to them rushing the installation some of my cars wires were either cut or pulled out of their sockets so a nice trip to renault outside of warranty and get charged 47.95 to just look at the car, let alone replace/solve the problem. RAID and hazard lights had been pulled out of sockets, along with problem with the revometer and oil temp guage. which i can fix but i thought what the hell, lets charge halfords.

finally got a new headunit and was sent to the closest halfords to my home address (only in leeds for uni and told them where to stick it when they told me i had to travel back to leeds to get it fitted again). . . . no phone call so came back to leeds after xmas and eventually bit the bullet; called customer services and was told that it had been there for a week and hadnt anyone told me?? eventually sent back up to leeds.

14 months of problems, one easy solution; full money back (plus compensation for car trouble and fuel costs) and same setup fitted by UniCar down the road from me.

not had one single problem, i know its only been a week, but that is the longest i have had music for in 14months.

anyone wanting to have a new stereo fitted, say fcuk off to halfrauds.

rant over, can this be made into a guide lol??

