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Happening peoples

  96 Clio + 600 bike
I've just got myself a 96 clio - not gonna lie it's a bucket of shite, but I intend to fix it up and use it as my first car.

I've never actually driven a car in my life... despite being on a car course at the tech, I'm more into the bikes, have an '06 Yamaha Fazer which is aces and all but when it's pissing rain in the middle of winter it's no fun let me tell you.

On here to get advice on how to fix all thats wrong with my car, few things:

A cylinder is not working... no compression apparently, gonna get some new plugs and pray. Speedo not working, brakelight not working.

And my mate says it's lopsided too, christ what have I got myself into.

Car has been sitting for over a year too... tyres are done, I know a bit about tyres (work on a tyre place 1 day a week)

Welcome, Get a pics thread up and your car symtoms, People should be able to help you and guide you into getting it back to a good condition!
  96 Clio + 600 bike
Thanks for all the welcomes

Managed to get it shifted from where I bought it to my house...

Was completely mad but got it home in the end. 4 new spark plugs and it's running well - have new oil and filter waiting to go on. Weathers been dire and I've been working alot so not had a proper look over it yet but hopefully getting some alloys off a mate soon. Will get some pics up tomorrow.
