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Hate our roads :(

  350z GT
Is it just me or does everywhen else get depressed when you clean your car an notice more chips an little scratches every time :(

really bugs me lol
  clio 172
mate... totally agree, iv a cheat way to hide stonechips tho!!! ;) and minor scratches, i used to valet and cleanmy car to such a high standard, couple days later be like WTF how that scratch get there?!?!?

anoys me driving work everyday purely due to the roads i ahve to drive down!
  clio 172
basically, fully clean car, get a colour matched tin of spray :)

get a lint free cloth, rol it/twist it up so uv a nice thick corner, soak it in spray, wipe it across scratch dnt be sparse, let it dry, if the scratch is depe or stoenchip is deep buil it up, i used to dap the paint soaked cloth on stonechips! polish off with autoG super resin but polish the oppsitie way to scratch/chip i.e if the scratch is vertical then polish horizontal :), (hard work bit) do a couple of tiems depending how anal you are with cleaning..... even light scratches just wipe across one, dry.. polish off and you wont eb able to see it!

lets put it this way i had 3 days off work... i spent all 3 cleaning detailing de-scratching and stonechipping, also had a nasty key mark in the rear quarter which was veryyyy deep, neways 3 days later looked liek valeted showroom condition!!

i couldnt tell u what make of paint it is as i use a professional paint shop to mix it forme....! but dont use halfords or cheap stuff autoglymm will just pul it straight back off its not hard enuff to withstand the abrasion
  clio 172
located in macclesfield, could do with some dollar actually seeming as iv just ruined my flame red :( thats behond stonechips

ill upload sum pics neways so u can see the before and after pics, :)
  Clio 172 Cup
It's not the stone chips that get me, it's car parking dings etc.

I park my car as far away as I can from idiots, rather walk extra few mins then park between/next to a s**t looking car or family wagon.
  clio 172
i go traford center alot... i always gt an end space and usualy half mout the curb so the next car can fling there door open like an idiot and stil not touch the clio, the mk2's ding so easily and they dont liek been 'dentmastered' liek sum other cars
