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Hate when someone asks what car do you have?

  Renault Clio 182 BG
Yes to like minded car people it's a great convo starter but to the rest of the population it's an exhausting exercise having to explain why apparently I'm into cars but yet I drive something completely unsuspecting

I don't know it just feels I'm having to justify my car lol I don't to have to but if I don't folk think my car is crap..and we can't be having that ha

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Sod with they think, especially for those of us who do trackdays and know what our cars can really do :)


  172 track thingy
Sometimes I just say I have a track day car based on a Renault Clio shell, 9 times out of 10 if they don't answer with "is it a sport" I just leave it as they probably can't be arsed with what the car consists of.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
IF the general public knew how good they were, they wouldnt get sold for peanuts and hence wouldnt make such good cheap trackday cars.
If you have a Clio 200 - NEVER tell someone you've got an RS200 Clio as you'll just sound like a dork, that goes for on here too :dead:
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
If you have a Clio 200 - NEVER tell someone you've got an RS200 Clio as you'll just sound like a dork, that goes for on here too :dead:


This is an RS200


This is nice for going shopping


Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I've never really thought about it. But I'd normally just say 'Clio 182' and see what their response is. They either have a clue and make some Williams/172/fast-little-b*****d-2litre engine comment - or simply have that 'ok' look on their face.

The Evo is better. That really polarises the responses. Ranging (usually) from "what's that?" to "nice one - I bet that shifts". :cool:

I must admit, when we have suppliers turning up for meetings, I have a quick glance as to what car they turn up in. It can tell you a fair bit about the person who's about to walk in through your door. Assuming that is, that their hands aren't tied to a choice of two cars in three different base colours - set in stone by head office. One customer regularly turns up in a heavily modded Sierra Cosworth - simply because he can. Kudos and man points, clearly awarded there.



ClioSport Club Member
I agree with the OP, when i had my clio 182 people just would think it was just a clio

Same with the lupo, some people hadn't even heard of one ffs

But now because i drive a 'bmw' the response is so different, people at work are now saying 'nice car' etc etc where as i had nothing like that before

To me it is just a 'bmw' lol

Go figure..


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Why do you drive a clio?

Because rather than drive the RS3 that i should, i prefer to trawl tinder and pof f**king up 19-25 year olds lifes one at a time.
If you have a Clio 200 - NEVER tell someone you've got an RS200 Clio as you'll just sound like a dork, that goes for on here too :dead:

It's quite embarrassing that, PLENTY do it on here, and on 197/ the height of bellendry on there regards to what they call their cars is unmatched.
  Renault Clio 182 BG
To be brutally honest, up until buying one, i knew what a Renault sport was buy i never really liked them, purely because the only person i knew with one (standard 172) was an utter **** and his nan drove quicker, now i own one i think 'what was he doing wrong? There bloody awesome!'

I took a mate out in mine about a month ago, he swore blind his car (Toyota Celica) was loads better and he thought it was a snotty little jumped up Clio..he now wants one.

Its a shame really, for the money i couldt think of a better car but the uneducated public beg to differ

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
For me the fact that people think their poverty spec BMW 318 is a better and faster car makes the Clio Sport even better, the same goes for the Ignis Sport.

Nearly every time I ride in something 'awesome' I'm often disappointed.
  Renault Clio 182 BG
For me the fact that people think their poverty spec BMW 318 is a better and faster car makes the Clio Sport even better, the same goes for the Ignis Sport.

Nearly every time I ride in something 'awesome' I'm often disappointed.

Ha i love the Ignis Sport, I was very close to buying one but it was Yellow and that was a bit too much for me lol Great little things though, how much does yours do to the gallon? Mate had one and said he only managed 25 average. Id still have one given the chance..i need something with room for the dogs anyways haha
Lol. Had a bloke at my work ask me what car i had so i replied Clio 182.

He burst out laughing and said. "Clio there crap my 1.8 sri zafira will leave that for dead not much keeps up"

I just ignored what else he had to say and walked off.

Roll on the day i roll up next to him.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Ha i love the Ignis Sport, I was very close to buying one but it was Yellow and that was a bit too much for me lol Great little things though, how much does yours do to the gallon? Mate had one and said he only managed 25 average. Id still have one given the chance..i need something with room for the dogs anyways haha

Mine's pretty good on fuel, high 30's at least.

I've owned two now and they've both been on track, brilliant little cars :)
  S4 Avant
On the other hand it's quite funny to see some peoples reactions. If you say a clio 182, and they reply with
'Whats that?' Followed by me saying it's a clio with a 2.0l engine in some people are genuinely shocked that a little clio has a decent sized engine.
On the other hand it's quite funny to see some peoples reactions. If you say a clio 182, and they reply with
'Whats that?' Followed by me saying it's a clio with a 2.0l engine in some people are genuinely shocked that a little clio has a decent sized engine.
Yeah especially when you say 3.0 People lose their minds ;)

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
I just say a clio and nothing more gets asked.

Had a bloke in ATS telling me that Renault never made a clio with a 2 litre engine. That was fun...


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
I just say a clio and nothing more gets asked.

Had a bloke in ATS telling me that Renault never made a clio with a 2 litre engine. That was fun...

I had Renault tell me they never made a Clio with a 2ltr engine.
Yep sometimes feel a little embarrassed when I say its a clio, gave up explaining what it was a long time ago. The mrs knows its fast and not a normal one, but to her its just a small car which I'm too old for. Don't think she likes the impression it gives off to her friends.


ClioSport Club Member
I just say a clio and nothing more gets asked.

Had a bloke in ATS telling me that Renault never made a clio with a 2 litre engine. That was fun...

Lol! A Mazda dealer mechanic tried to tell me my car doesn't exist (96 1.8 Eunos)
  Inferno 182 & Saxo
oops old thread bump here but anyway lol

imagine telling people your car was a metro.

the gti that is with an LSD and 160bhp but never the less still a metro.
however if I cared what people thought of my car I wouldnt drive what I do, Id have some boring soot chucking german thing
  Clio with a body kit
People around me think I'm nuts but who cares. I have had someone say why don't I sell it and buy something nice like a BMW not so long ago.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
A base model Audi A3 1.6 or a BMW 114i is obviously a better car than my Fiesta ST-3
  Listerine & Poledo
"I drive a mincing blue MX-5.
And what of it sir? IN response to your other question of "in 5 years", well, once I've torn the company out from under your feet, I'LL have the company-registered Porsche...and Track it"
