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Head Unit Wiring Help Urgent...

  182, SRT8, RS4, GT-R
Hi Guys,
Ok sorry for the crap quality but scanner isn't working atm. Here is a picture of the wiring guide in the kenwood manual:


Now this is the list of connections i've got for the clio ISO black plug:
Track 1: Speed Signal
Track 2:Not used
Track 3:Voice Synthesiser signal (mute)
Track 4:Battery supply
Track 5:Aerial amplifier suppy
Track 6:Light Supply
Track 7:Accessories Supply
Track 8:Earth

I'm a little confused as to where the red,yellow and black wires go from the new h/u. I know the earth is the black so i can wire it into the current track 8 and the yellow wire can go to track 4. Where does the ignition (red wire) go to? Looking at the guide it says it needs to go to my car fuse box????
Any help very much appreciated

P.S What is the spped signal wire and where will it go on my new H/U??
  182, SRT8, RS4, GT-R
The H/U doesn't come with an ISO connector, it needs to be wired into the current loom.
  BMW M135i
Without an ISO loom for the headunit then it'll be a major pain in the arse to do, basically you'll need to splice into the existing loom and connect the relevent wires together. It'll be a major pain and a little too permanent for my liking.
Things like the speed sensors won't be used by the headunit because they're only used by the standard hu to provide the auto volume feature.

Basically what you'll have to do if you want to use the headunit is to connect the wires in the diagram to the wires in the loom, you can do this by either splicing (wouldn't recommend) or by getting an iso loom with only the iso connectors about 6cm of wire on to connect to, you can get these from halfords but seing as your in Dubai (i assume) that'll be a bit of a issue.

The only other thing to try is to see if an iso loom is avaliable for the headunit seperately.

Googling around there is an iso adapter avaliable :
that would be your best easiest option.
  1997 Mk1 Megane 2.0 16v
whoa dont splice anything kenwood normally come with standard iso on the back of them, so no leads required, did u buy it second hand or new

  1997 Mk1 Megane 2.0 16v
or if it didnt come with iso on the back, buy a kenwood lead from autoleads for 13 quid, saves bodge wiring which is an arse for the next owner if u seel, and can often go wrong if u dont know what ur doing
  182, SRT8, RS4, GT-R
Hi guys,
Thanks for the replies,much appreciated. Decided not to cut into the current wiring loom as stated above its a pernament change and could easily be botched, so i'm gonna get this adaptor:

Exactly what i need. I was surprised it didn't come with this adaptor in the first place as i thought all new head units come with an ISO connector? I'll ring the place where i got it from and ask if and if no luck i'll buy this adaptor.
Thanks again for the help and tips guys.​
