Wot size do I get? h1, h3 or h4? Also thinkin of gettin ice blue and theyre legal!
R rt_rik May 25, 2003 #1 Wot size do I get? h1, h3 or h4? Also thinkin of gettin ice blue and theyre legal!
D Dyewitness May 25, 2003 #2 try http://www.powerbulbs.comwww.powerbulbs.com when you are going to buy
B badley May 26, 2003 #4 H4, dont get any of the blue tints from halfords, theyre pants, normal bulbs fine. otherwise go to powerbulbs.
H4, dont get any of the blue tints from halfords, theyre pants, normal bulbs fine. otherwise go to powerbulbs.