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Headphone recommendation?

  Clio 172
Hi guys

Basically, my iPhone headphones are now broke, and it's time I got some decent ones.

Can anyone recommend me some good headphones? Can be in ear, or "on top" ones (don't know the correct name, like DJ headphones?), as I'm only gonna use them in doors anyway.

Budget £100-150 max.

I know f all about headphones!
Grado for sound quality. I have the SR60i. They get better everytime I use them. The amount of detail they bring out is unreal. They are open back so you do get a bit of sound leakage but as like me, you're using them at home so it doesn't really matter.

Get yourself down to a 'proper' Hi-Fi shop and have a listen to a few with your own music. Don't just barge into Comet and pick up Dre Beats.
  Ibiza SC
I'm also on the look out for some new headphones as my Sony Argos jobbies are pretty shite.

I've narrowed down my search to two sets, the first are V MONO M80's which are around £130 (w/ £35 shipping if ordered off ebay as are USA)

The second recommended by a work friend is the Pioneer HDJ 1000 which are around £100 from Amazon

Looking for other recommendations, I'm avoiding Beats like the plague as I want product not brand.
  Ibiza SC
Sony XB700's

big magnet, better sound

These are the headphones that I'm wanting to replace, I got them from Argos at around £30?
The XB stands for extra bass, the are loud but the sound quality is pretty average. Good for heavy stuff but overall they're only an average headphone IMO.

Very comfortable though.
  Clio 172

OP has gone full r****d!

Tell me how?

Yes, i did search. All I could find was information on in ear headphones, which preferably I would rather have over ear ones, which I couldn't find any information on at all, just bits and bobs, or they was out of budget/too cheap, but that way I couldn't ask my own questions.

Everyone else, thanks a lot for your constructive help, I'll reply and read properly when I'm home tonight
  Bus w**ker
Think the point is that you could have easily found a lot of the exact same advise, as has once again been given in this thread, in the multiple others that have cropped up asking the exact same question in the past few weeks and if your query wasn't answered you could always post a reply in the thread asking your question there.

Full r****d was possibly a bit strong, but it's f**king annoying when the same thread is coming up week after week. Sooner or later people stop bothering to answer them and then people get all mardy and cry that CS is full of ignorant w*****s blah blah blah.
  Listerine & Poledo
These are the headphones that I'm wanting to replace, I got them from Argos at around £30?
The XB stands for extra bass, the are loud but the sound quality is pretty average. Good for heavy stuff but overall they're only an average headphone IMO.

Very comfortable though.

I've been using a set for the last 2 years as my daily office noise-suppressors. Sure, you could spend out on Beats or Scosche or Bose or whatever but for the price, the Sonys are well built and good quality.
  Ibiza SC
I've been using a set for the last 2 years as my daily office noise-suppressors. Sure, you could spend out on Beats or Scosche or Bose or whatever but for the price, the Sonys are well built and good quality.

Me too and don't get me wrong they've done the job just fine, I'm just looking for some that are better now. They are good for the cheap price and mine have never broken and are good quality (in fact I'm wearing them right now).
But like I said I'm just after better headphones, don't really have many bad words to say about these really for the price.
  Clio 197 F1
Btw way I would recommend the Grado's over these but the only problem with the Grado's is they are open back so are very loud from the outside so no good if using in public etc.

If using them at home then yeah Grado's FTW.
  Ibiza SC
After my recommendations above I have to admit I'm liking the look of the Grado's. My original budget was £100-£150 but seems to me like I can get an awesome set of these for less than I planned to spend.
  Monaco 172
Sennhesier HD25's all day long! They come right in your price range and are the best headphones i've used (Ive used a few over the years).

Whoever recommended the Pioneers above is wrong, very wrong. Go along to a hi-fi or DJ shop and ask to try a few out, you'll soon figure out the good the bad and the ugly.
  Monaco 172
Also a big vote of confidence for the HD25's, if you see any live broadcast like ring side at the boxing take a look at what headphones they're using. A lot of times it will be the Sennheisers.

I will always recommend Grado. Had my SR80 for donkey's years and they are still amazing. Very open and musical but not super heavy on bass. Dialogue and vocals are amazingly clear and natural sounding.
  Ibiza SC
Finally made my mind up and ordered these, Pioneer HDJ 1000 Limited Black Edition:


£140 from Absolute Music.

Was liking the Grado's but many reviews said they were best for rock music etc, stuff with a lot of mid and high notes. I listen to a lot of deep music and sometimes fairly heavy, which the above are designed for.

Can't wait for their arrival!!
I will always recommend Grado. Had my SR80 for donkey's years and they are still amazing. Very open and musical but not super heavy on bass. Dialogue and vocals are amazingly clear and natural sounding.


Their 'signature' is perfect. I like the openness of the sound. I'll be sticking with mine for years.
  Ibiza SC
Picked up the Pioneers last week, would definitely recommend. Sound is so clear and just the right amount of bass.
Looking for even better now so on the market for a headphone amp.
  S3, Polo
Another vote for Grado SR80's. Though, I felt they were a bit large and leaked too much sound while commuting so, I've just bought these:


Audio Technica ATH-ES55 and for £75 (Down from £90) they're an absolute steal.

Incredibly balanced and open-sounding for a closed, on-ear headphone.
The Grado SR80 are also not especially comfortable over long listening periods. Still the best sounding headphone I've ever heard though.
  Chav Rocket
Westone um3-x are nice but a bit pricy.
They have the um4's but its down to taste
Grados are nice.

Sennhieser hd-25 are really good for pice. But dont look awesome if thats your thing.

There are some decent senns with a built in mic for around 100quid.

Sony cans are decent (the ones 120 and above?

You can have nice heasphones but you need to have good source material too. Or its a waste.


ClioSport Club Member
I've just bought a set of Shure SE215 to replace my old Shure ones, had a pair of beats and hated them, can't recommend Shure enough.
Home use only. Open-air doesn't really suit mobile use. I'm actually considering going crazy with the PS1000 but they're rather expensive.

EDIT: I just love Grado. They have a unique, soul filling sound.
  Yaris Hybrid
I'd also vote for Sennheiser. I have got the 598's and they worked Ok on my Nano which surprised me as I thought I'd have to have the volume maxed!

I have some Sennheiser in ear bud style headphones and they were good too so I'd say the models like the 555 or 558 that other people have recommended are likely to be good as they seem like a decent reliable brand.

I haven't read the whole thread but no doubt others have pointed out that everyone in the same room as you will be able to hear your music with these.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
I am going to be picking up some cans in the next few weeks for my MP3 controller so I can actually use them for monitoring the mixing.

Very tempted by the pioneer HDJ 1000's
