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Headunits, can I keep the dash display ?

  BMW M4; S1000 RR
I have done a little bit of searching, and on first glance, it appears a Sony HU with a connects2 will keep everything functional.

I would be more interested in an Alpine HU however, does anyone make adapters to display track details for them ???

I'm pretty much starting from scratch in this car, I have an old Fiesta on the drive... should sell that thing lol... with an Alpine kit in it, but fancy something new. Including component fronts and perhaps a sub.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. If I did fancy a sub, would it have to dominate the boot ?? Or is it possible to have a boot with a sub on one side with room for odds and sods too.

Basically, shopping list is.

Headunit with display adapter possible.
Front components.
Rear Coaxials.
Sub depending on implications.
