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Hello there!

  2001 1.2 Clio Black.
Hey guys!

Im Matt and im 18 , Essex. Debated if i should join the forums or not but decided i may aswell :)

Currently have 51' 1.2 16v Clio Dynamique in Black with 115k miles and its my first car had it since i passed last year around this time.
I havnt touched anything on the car yet and only racked up a few thousand miles. Been a good little car untill one of the gear stablising bar bolts snapped :(..
I was considering going for a 1.2 Corsa SXi but i thought i may aswell get the problem fixed and did it one hour on the weekend , ive now decided im keeping the car and im going to start adding bits and bobs to it!
thought i'd join here and get some nifty tips and tricks seeing as your all the experts :p

Already bought a few things -

New Headlights
Exhaust Back Box
K&N Panel Filter
Side Repeaters

Look forward to getting to know you all , Cheers

