Not even lowered it yet!
Okay calm down a bit.
I fitted my wheels today, 195/45/15 with an et38 offset
They are catching (only on full lock) in 2 places
1- The inside wall is catching at the back on the corner of the mud flap. - Should I trim the corner off with a stanley knife or just take the flaps off?
2- The inside wall at the front against the corner of the sh!t guard. (Is it ok to trim this as well or should I take the whole thing out?) Will loads of crap get into the engine bay then?
Thanks for any help. Its not really too drastic but not exactly what I was expecting considering ride is standard hight (AFAIK)
Thinking of sodding the planned 55-60mm drop now and just going 35mm - Too scared of that dreaded scccccccccccrubbbb noise!