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Help from a flash wiz please....

See, I was hoping you'd have posted it as I can do a little bit of flash but im rusty as hell, now I have to post and look silly when I say I cant help! lol


ClioSport Club Member

i am rebuilding my website and even though i am using the same type of method as previous with placeholder image boxes i am unsure how i did it
  RB 182
If it's just a placeholder page can't you just have a few quick tables with the images in, or if you can do them use divs.
  Blown up 182 & Mondeo TDI loads of help on there mate

Plus as above, div's and some CSS would be a much easier way to do it.


ClioSport Club Member

if you look at my current website

the website is built from a series of pages that all load into the very first page, they load into the space under the menu as you will see when you click buttons etc.

i am using this same type of method again but am unsure / can't remember how to create the placeholder box and coding,

i still have the files from the current website but am struggling to work it out, am sure i have the coding write but am just missing something
When you mean a series of pages you mean SWF's ?

Sorry just trying to understand how you have done it.

Also are you using levels and is it AS2?
Attach your SWF file so I know which syntax you are using :)

Just do a good search for loading external SWF files


Why don't u do it with a normal placeholder page and some CSS?


ClioSport Club Member
how you mean attach my swf file?

i think what you are saying about a normal placeholder page is what i done before...just can't remember how to do it again


ClioSport Club Member
that hasen't been completed mate, thats one of the reasons why i am changing the whole site.

the photoblog is a photo documentary of my year so by day


  MK7 GTD & Mini GP
looks to be a very nice site mate.

i like and dont like flash really, it does look cool but i think its kinda waste of time in portfolios for a graphic designer etc.. just slows things down, people just want to see the work and the information as soon as.

Still, looks f**king cool though mate, keep up the good work.


ClioSport Club Member
cheers sambo, the new design of the site is totally different though, all the work will be on the front page, no more thousands of pages the fook do i attach the

if you want the coding from the file here it is

on the main page i have 2 layers, one is the main page then a layer for the action script...this is the coding for it


then on the buttons on the page i obviously have the relevant file names but in this coding

on (release) {

i just need to know how to create the placholder area.....
the coding which you have provided has created a placeholder then you have created a function for a button to load the SWF file into.

Look at your inbox, send me an email with the file and everything else, I will sort it out for you and tell you how it was done. Won't be until tomorrow though.

Sorry have not done flash recently so all out the window :)

