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help needeed


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
just brought kenwood KDC-W5534U, very nice too, problem though :dapprove: . Ordered an autoleads kit for the steering controls, but the adapter on the car is a yellow square male plug. The lead they gave me is an orange/red rectangle female unit :dapprove:

now it did say not campatible with mulitplexed units, and not compatible with 182, never mentioned 172's

so is the cup mulitplexed? (i think it is), or can i just get another lead, or patch this one? (not too thick with wires and can use a soldering iron lol

help dudes
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  Polo + Micra
it's not one for the back of the clock is it?

i know some of the older leads used that


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
hhmmm i'll have a gander later, but i'm 99% sure the stalk controls are the yellow connector? (fits to the standard H/U)
  Polo + Micra
yeah but you can bypass that and go from the hu to the clock (thats what my old sony did)


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
ahhh! how do the clocks come out? this way of connecting it did cross my mind


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
and whats happens then is it a matter of just pulling out the old plug, and refit?

just spoke to a guy off an audio site and he thinks the same as you
  RenaultSport Clio 172 Mk2
I know that to connect my JVC controls up it's the connector behind the clock that makes it work.
