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help please

  Abarth Grande Punto

ClioSport Member

1.2 RN
02 September 2002
518 Posts

it has been asked a million times but does anyone have pics of lexus lights on a NAPLES RED clio (the dark red!) In the day light or even better at night.

Come on peepe bring on the pics pleaaseeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!;)

please dont do it

havent seen any red clios with lexus lights

IMHO that maybe because other people also think they look crap

sorry if you like them, just trying to stop you doing somthing you may regret
  Abarth Grande Punto

b4 they come out i wanted them, until i see them 4 real on a clio.

every one i have seen has looked sh*t! Just wondering what they would look like actually on a naples red clio
