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Help Please!!

  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4

Just a quickie, my old man is looking at buying an R plate 1.4 RT Clio for me mother, what Bhp will it be? And what should we look out for on the car?

Many thanks,

  Stealth Bomber R26

just traded in my 1.4RT at my local dealer cant remeber what the BHP was but never had any troble with it. Only areas I would check are the rear wheel arches as they can get bunged up with mud. Apart from that had mine for 4 years without any major probs

Check everything electrical works i.e. all the knobs, switches, stalks, dashlights etc, rear arches (as above) (front arches too? Or do all clios have plastic front wings?), check the sunroof doesnt leak, no dings in the doors etc...

umm... Anyone else?!
  172 cup,s2 rs turbo

Approx 70bhp.There normally pretty reliable as well.Check for any major oil leaks and that they have both plip keys(they are exspensive)
